What started out as an awesome American road trip has turned into an odyssey of internet shame for three Canadians accused of disrespecting U.S. natural treasures from Yellowstone to the Bonneville Salt Flats.
The numbnuts who caused that bison calf to have to be put down in Yellowstone by putting it in his car because it seemed "cold" was also from Canada. Closer to home, apparently it's now a grad tradition to trash a well known campsite at Harrison Lake.
As an American allow me to say that these guys really didn't break any sensible laws. Driving on the salt flats when they're wet is not going to do any harm to the salt. And going off the boardwalks at Yellowstone gives these assclowns a signficant chance of breaking through the crust around the hot springs and being parbroiled to death.
"BartSimpson" said As an American allow me to say that these guys really didn't break any sensible laws. Driving on the salt flats when they're wet is not going to do any harm to the salt. And going off the boardwalks at Yellowstone gives these assclowns a signficant chance of breaking through the crust around the hot springs and being parbroiled to death.
I'm okay with that outcome.
If that were the only outcome, I would be too. But those hotsprings are 'protected' (by a pretty lame barrier) because they have some extremeophile life that exists no where else. Those morons could have extincted an entire species!
Some of the comments from the limousine liberals tried to turn it into a generational thing, which is wrong and just typical of their endless contempt for anyone who wasn't born between 1945 and 1965. It's more of a youth thing for the most part, in that too many in their twenties from the last three generations were raised to have no respect for anything. The dumb ass kids waterskiing at Bonneville are probably no different at all from the twenty somethings who went to Woodstock (the GREATEST CULTURAL EVENT OF ALL TIME FOR THE GREATEST GENERATION OF ALL TIME!, or so we're constantly told) who left behind mounds of trash and shit (literally) at Yasger's farm. Most of them grow out of it. Some don't. That's life.
Did I miss something? Who are these idiots?
The same idiots that go to Banff, Jasper and other National Parks and somehow don't get the concept of 'wild' animals, or 'protected' spaces.
People are too far removed from nature. It's not good for us.
I'm okay with that outcome.
As an American allow me to say that these guys really didn't break any sensible laws. Driving on the salt flats when they're wet is not going to do any harm to the salt. And going off the boardwalks at Yellowstone gives these assclowns a signficant chance of breaking through the crust around the hot springs and being parbroiled to death.
I'm okay with that outcome.
If that were the only outcome, I would be too. But those hotsprings are 'protected' (by a pretty lame barrier) because they have some extremeophile life that exists no where else. Those morons could have extincted an entire species!
https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/nature/o ... eforms.htm