"On March 29, some people will be sitting in the dark to express their "vote" for action on global climate change. Instead, you can join CEI and the thousands of people around the world who will be celebrating Human Achievement Hour (HAH). Leave your lights on to express your appreciation for the inventions and innovations that make today the best time to be alive and the recognition that future solutions require individual freedom not government coercion."
I'm mainly interested in reduced pollution. Not deliberately wasting electricity ("Yeah! Woo! Eat it, Africa!") is probably something everyone should practice, considering the costs of obtaining that electricity.
Honestly, we don't participate. Not fully. We turn the lights off when we leave the room, television and consoles are powered off... Computers are up and so is the microwave and stove. But that's everyday so, we're not really doing anything.
The big boys of pollution are corporations... I'd rather we blamed ourselves less for wasted water and power when it's them who waste hundreds of bottles of water for just one bottle of pop...
"On March 29, some people will be sitting in the dark to express their "vote" for action on global climate change. Instead, you can join CEI and the thousands of people around the world who will be celebrating Human Achievement Hour (HAH). Leave your lights on to express your appreciation for the inventions and innovations that make today the best time to be alive and the recognition that future solutions require individual freedom not government coercion."
I'm mainly interested in reduced pollution. Not deliberately wasting electricity ("Yeah! Woo! Eat it, Africa!") is probably something everyone should practice, considering the costs of obtaining that electricity.
Honestly, we don't participate. Not fully. We turn the lights off when we leave the room, television and consoles are powered off... Computers are up and so is the microwave and stove. But that's everyday so, we're not really doing anything.
The big boys of pollution are corporations... I'd rather we blamed ourselves less for wasted water and power when it's them who waste hundreds of bottles of water for just one bottle of pop...
We're part of it, but we're not all of it.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2 ... n/6975265/
Here, do it the easy way. The YouTube version.
That would be more than interesting.