A few conservative Roman Catholics are pointing to a dozen Bible verses and the church's original teachings as proof that Earth is the center of the universe, the view that was at the heart of the church's clash with Galileo Galilei four centuries ago.
i like how one idiot in this story says "False information leads to false ideas, and false ideas lead to illicit and immoral actions ? thus the state of the world today.? Prior to Galileo, the church was in full command of the world, and governments and academia were subservient to her" Is that the same church that was responsible for burning 10's of thousands (some think millions) of innocent women at the stake because they were "witches"? Is that the same church who are responsible for more wars and killing in this world then anything else? It just dumbfounds (but not surprises) me how ignorant and stupid people can be.
They're quoting a book that was written by mostly closed minded men in a time when people had no knowledge of how the sun, planets, and the galaxy works.
The Bible is the Revealed Wisdom of God as interpreted by relatively illiterate nomads.
A pastor of mine once said that if you took a sparrow on a tour of the Library of Congress and revealed all of the wisdom therein to that sparrow the sparrow would contextualize the knowledge to its own understanding before passing the wisdom on to other sparrows.
So here is the Bible According to Birds: http://www.junglewalk.com/sound/sparrows-sounds.htm
Also is a lesser known 'Law of Understanding': We understand things relative to those things we already understand.
Who knows? Maybe God did tell one of those nomads about the Universe and the dumb schlemiel just wasn't bright enough to wrap his head around it. Or the people he tried to tell thought he was crazy so he just made some sh*t up that they could more easily accept.
Prophet: "Okay, nix that. God told me that the earth is flat and that it is the center of the Universe."
Prophet: (under his breath) Geebus, you people are gullible.
In a nutshell, there you go.
This is what science class in Saudi Arabia must be like.
Science class in SA consists of the mutaween beheading the teacher and demonstrating gravity as the head hits the ground.
This is what science class in Saudi Arabia must be like.
No actually the Quran got the solar system pretty right, down to the earth orbiting the sun and the moon orbiting the earth, the moon not having being a light source but merely reflecting light and right the Earth being not being a perfect sphere but geo spherical. Among other stuff
This is what science class in Saudi Arabia must be like.
No actually the Quran got the solar system pretty right, down to the earth orbiting the sun and the moon orbiting the earth, the moon not having being a light source but merely reflecting light and right the Earth being not being a perfect sphere but geo spherical. Among other stuff
Not all of Islam is batsh!t crazy, true. But the question did address Saudi Arabia and those geniuses still actively prosecute people for witchcraft and sorcery.
http://www.hrw.org/news/2009/11/24/saud ... cases-rise
Just like Voodo is a big thing in Africa and the caribbean islands, "black magic" is its equivalent in south east asia and middle east. Mostly South east asia though.
Like those people who would rather die in roman hands than renouce their Christian faith. What you're talking about are what would be compared to modern day politicians. And I have enough faith that God would choose more honest people than bloody politicians to relay his message.
Is that the same church who are responsible for more wars and killing in this world then anything else? It just dumbfounds (but not surprises) me how ignorant and stupid people can be.
So... the catholic church is responsible for more death and misery than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc?
So here is the Bible According to Birds: http://www.junglewalk.com/sound/sparrows-sounds.htm
Great site Bart, thanks for the link...
The planets orbit the sun, and in turn our solar system orbits a gigantic black hole.
Could you supply more info on this please or do you mean there is possibly a Black Hole at the center of our galaxy?