Don't worry, she's just a clone is all. See we take a reasonably attractive, intelligent woman and mix her DNA with a dirt bag con man, back stabber and liar and we get the next female politician with a nice smile. To make the males we just use the dirt bag, backstabber, liar and alter his looks and hair line. They're really all the same person when you boil it down.
"QBC" said Don't worry, she's just a clone is all. See we take a reasonably attractive, intelligent woman and mix her DNA with a dirt bag con man, back stabber and liar and we get the next female politician with a nice smile. To make the males we just use the dirt bag, backstabber, liar and alter his looks and hair line. They're really all the same person when you boil it down.
Don't worry, she's just a clone is all. See we take a reasonably attractive, intelligent woman and mix her DNA with a dirt bag con man, back stabber and liar and we get the next female politician with a nice smile. To make the males we just use the dirt bag, backstabber, liar and alter his looks and hair line. They're really all the same person when you boil it down.
You have a good point.
Sounds more like a name you'd see in the closing credits of a porn movie...
...if not "actress", at least "fluffer".