Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other�s borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.
I sure it would have to be a request of the host nation, I think this is a good thing. Canadian the effectiveness to disasters in the country can be pretty bad. Just look at what happened when the military was sent out to Newfoundland.
Canadian troops were among the first responders in New Orleans after Katrina. So while I am wary of this agreement especially with the timing so soon after the upset started in the ME the agreement more or less codifies something that's already going on.
Hell we have been sending Canadian Soldiers to the states for training, and vice versa, for decades now. Didnt we also have a similar arrangement in Afghanistan last year when an American company was under Canadian tactical command?
Canadian troops were among the first responders in New Orleans after Katrina. So while I am wary of this agreement especially with the timing so soon after the upset started in the ME the agreement more or less codifies something that's already going on.[/quote
Yes, If there was a disaster in either one of the country I would expect that the other would help. If there was a disaster where I live I wouldn't it would appreciate help from the Canadian Military. I don't see what the big deal is.
There have been cross border arrangements with US and Ontario police agencies for some time now. During the Caledonia debacle , US police and Feds were popping across routinely. I think our wings are better?
"Guy_Fawkes" said Hell we have been sending Canadian Soldiers to the states for training, and vice versa, for decades now.
Yep - I see CF convoys on Interstate 5 in Sacramento rather frequently. It surprises some people down here when they find out the CF is in town. Me, I just wave at the kids and honk the horn!
Kinda catchy for an attack ad but I'm thinking I've heard something like it before.
Besides, who decides what's a civil emergency ?
- Canadian soldiers don't carry weapons during disaster assistance operations.
- US troops have served under foreign command.
This would have made things easier for folks in the Emerson MB/Pembina ND region during flood times.
Yes, If there was a disaster in either one of the country I would expect that the other would help. If there was a disaster where I live I wouldn't it would appreciate help from the Canadian Military. I don't see what the big deal is.
Hell we have been sending Canadian Soldiers to the states for training, and vice versa, for decades now.
Yep - I see CF convoys on Interstate 5 in Sacramento rather frequently. It surprises some people down here when they find out the CF is in town. Me, I just wave at the kids and honk the horn!