THE clean-cut image of crooning smoothie Michael Bubl� is blown today as he's revealed as a vain, foul- mouthed braggart who craves sex, cannabis and CAKES round the clock.
What? A Celebrity isn't exactly the person we thought they were? What has the world come to?
Who would have thought this young man who can sing, would go around acting like a young man. And for a rich celebrity to think highly of them self? it's unheard of..
This article is a joke, whoever wrote it seems to have it out for the guy
Who would have thought this young man who can sing, would go around acting like a young man. And for a rich celebrity to think highly of them self? it's unheard of..
This article is a joke, whoever wrote it seems to have it out for the guy
Link doesn't work either. And it is also the "world" or whatever. Just another tabloid.
Report: Buble 'craved cannabis & sex'
Report: Buble 'craved cannabis & sex'
Who doesn't?
Report: Buble 'craved cannabis & sex'
Who doesn't?
I'd take a good cigar over cannabis, myself. Looks cooler.
I'd take a good cigar over cannabis, myself. Looks cooler.
Yeah, but when has a good cigar ever inspired anyone to write a song or streak the neighbourhood?
I'd take a good cigar over cannabis, myself. Looks cooler.
Yeah, but when has a good cigar ever inspired anyone to write a song or streak the neighbourhood?
I don't think cannabis has done that either. Perhaps you are thinking of booze's more evil cousin Tequila.