An Austrian group has called for a ban on Father Christmas amid fears that the foreign invader is usurping the role of the traditional Christkind sprite.
There going to protest shops because they show reindeer and father chistmas? What about the people that actually prefer Father Christmas than w/e other alternatives they want in Austria? Bet they never even bothered to ask which the majority prefer.
Christmas isn't religious to me an any sense, so I prefer the fat guy with a bunch of slaves/elves who lives in the North Pole, who drives a sleigh that is pulled by flying reindeer lead by a reindeer with a glowing red nose. Delivering toys to every child on the planet in one night.
Much better than a baby in a crib. Besides the dates are totally off.
We have lots of that in Slovakia as well.
Dec. 24th, its baby Jesus who visits and brings presents, not Santa.
Santa is a capitalist imperialist dog.
And Dec. 5 is for St. Mikulas, this is the guy who shows up with chocolate.
Much older Catholic traditions than Santa is.
Nothing to worry about here, must be a slow news day in Austria.
They stole that from us!!
I fear for the future of Europe. They seem to have forgotten the lessons from their Past.
In this I agree with you.
I fear for the future of Europe. They seem to have forgotten the lessons from their Past.
Did you mean to say Pastor.
I fear for the future of Europe. They seem to have forgotten the lessons from their Past.
Did you mean to say Pastor.
Definitely not.
Much better than a baby in a crib. Besides the dates are totally off.
Ahhh, the Catholic Taliban has arrived.
We have lots of that in Slovakia as well.
Dec. 24th, its baby Jesus who visits and brings presents, not Santa.
Santa is a capitalist imperialist dog.
And Dec. 5 is for St. Mikulas, this is the guy who shows up with chocolate.
Much older Catholic traditions than Santa is.
Nothing to worry about here, must be a slow news day in Austria.