"RUEZ" said Quebec values? What is that, smoke a lot and eat a lot of cheese?
Man are you ignorant... Canada should make all immigrants sign the same thing.. If they want to come here they play by our rules.. plain and simple.. Quebec has loads of values,, language, religion, culture and equality for the sexes.. Immigrants should not be allowed to come here and change anything.. and where do you get the idea that we all smoke and eat cheese.. man are you dumb..
"kenmore" said Quebec values? What is that, smoke a lot and eat a lot of cheese?
Man are you ignorant... Canada should make all immigrants sign the same thing.. If they want to come here they play by our rules.. plain and simple.. Quebec has loads of values,, language, religion, culture and equality for the sexes.. Immigrants should not be allowed to come here and change anything.. and where do you get the idea that we all smoke and eat cheese.. man are you dumb.. You can't even recognize a joke. Don't call me ignorant doofus.
"Marc01" said Qu�bec just don't care about muticulturalism, this is Trudeau's shit not ours. Remember we never signed the Constitution.
Arr�tez de parler au nom de tous. C'est ce que je n'aime pas chez vous l�. Tout le monde parle au nom de tous les autres. Combien de fois j'ai eu un(e) connard/connasse me dire qqch comme 'ici on pense comme ceci, ici on pense pas comme cela' alors que la logique tout seule nous dit qu'il y en a pour tous les gouts partout, que l'on soit au Qu�bec ou au Cameroun.
Il y a plein de gens au Qu�bec qui admirent Trudeau, ou d'ailleurs qui soutiennent le multiculturalisme. Je ne dis pas n�cessairement que j'en fait partie, mais je dis qu'il n'y a personne qui vous a �lu l'ambassadeur de tous les citoyens du Qu�bec.
La commission Bouchard-Taylor a statu� que le multiculturalisme ne convenait pas pour le Qu�bec, c'est pour nous une �vidence depuis longtemps. �a fait consensus au Qu�bec, arr�te de chercher des poux.
Pour ce qui est de Trudeau, jamais depuis qu'il a rapatri� la constitution en 1982 le PArti Lib�ral n'a r�ussi � r�cup�rer une majorit� de si�ges au Qu�bec, et cela m�me avant l'apparition du Bloc. Nous n'avons jamais pardonn� � Trudeau et aux Lib�raux d'avoir rappatri� la Constitution sans le Qu�bec.
I would argue that has NOTHING to do with Quebec - that is it in fact a CANADIAN value. Quebec was actually the last one to grant any 'equality for the sexes'
Last province to get provincial vote and the Persons Case could tell you why I think it has nothing to do with Quebec
Well well well Multiculturalisms is only one model amongst many other model to integrate immigrant into the society. And I do agree that a very large part of the population here do not agree with it. I would also point out that not all Canadian in the ROC agree with it either.
Quebec values? What is that, smoke a lot and eat a lot of cheese?
Beer and sex.
Quebec values? What is that, smoke a lot and eat a lot of cheese?
Beer and sex. Them's redneck values.
Quebec values? What is that, smoke a lot and eat a lot of cheese?
Man are you ignorant... Canada should make all immigrants sign the same thing.. If they want to come here they play by our rules.. plain and simple..
Quebec has loads of values,, language, religion, culture and equality for the sexes.. Immigrants should not be allowed to come here and change anything..
and where do you get the idea that we all smoke and eat cheese.. man are you dumb..
Quebec values? What is that, smoke a lot and eat a lot of cheese?
Man are you ignorant... Canada should make all immigrants sign the same thing.. If they want to come here they play by our rules.. plain and simple..
Quebec has loads of values,, language, religion, culture and equality for the sexes.. Immigrants should not be allowed to come here and change anything..
and where do you get the idea that we all smoke and eat cheese.. man are you dumb..
You can't even recognize a joke. Don't call me ignorant doofus.
What are they going to do if you lie?
Quebec can get bent.
Quebec already has different immigration rules. Why don't they just seperate?
Shhhh, don't give them any ideas. They might consider themselves a nation someday.
Qu�bec just don't care about muticulturalism, this is Trudeau's shit not ours. Remember we never signed the Constitution.
Arr�tez de parler au nom de tous. C'est ce que je n'aime pas chez vous l�. Tout le monde parle au nom de tous les autres. Combien de fois j'ai eu un(e) connard/connasse me dire qqch comme 'ici on pense comme ceci, ici on pense pas comme cela' alors que la logique tout seule nous dit qu'il y en a pour tous les gouts partout, que l'on soit au Qu�bec ou au Cameroun.
Il y a plein de gens au Qu�bec qui admirent Trudeau, ou d'ailleurs qui soutiennent le multiculturalisme. Je ne dis pas n�cessairement que j'en fait partie, mais je dis qu'il n'y a personne qui vous a �lu l'ambassadeur de tous les citoyens du Qu�bec.
Pour ce qui est de Trudeau, jamais depuis qu'il a rapatri� la constitution en 1982 le PArti Lib�ral n'a r�ussi � r�cup�rer une majorit� de si�ges au Qu�bec, et cela m�me avant l'apparition du Bloc. Nous n'avons jamais pardonn� � Trudeau et aux Lib�raux d'avoir rappatri� la Constitution sans le Qu�bec.
equality for the sexes.
I would argue that has NOTHING to do with Quebec - that is it in fact a CANADIAN value. Quebec was actually the last one to grant any 'equality for the sexes'
Last province to get provincial vote and the Persons Case could tell you why I think it has nothing to do with Quebec
Well well well Multiculturalisms is only one model amongst many other model to integrate immigrant into the society. And I do agree that a very large part of the population here do not agree with it. I would also point out that not all Canadian in the ROC agree with it either.