* Protesting parents shut down a Toronto District School Board meeting on Wednesday after realizing the issue of a black-focused school would not be discussed.
However, some parents, community leaders and educators support the concept. They say the current curriculum is failing the city's black youth.
More than half of black male teens at Toronto's public schools haven't earned the 16 credits required by the end of Grade 10, according to the school board.
By saying the current curriculum is failing the city's black youth but NOT the other racial groups is like automatically admitting black males in that community are not capable of generating sufficient mental snap and drive to succeed. It makes them sound stupid and lazy, not victims like those parents would probably like us to think that way of them. They come off as just stupid and lazy.
This seems to be a problem down here in the south as well, except the Southern black community here actually has a hundred more reasons than any privileged black kid in Canada for believing that. But it isn't that society is failing blacks. Blacks are failing society and each other. They are NOT accepting responsibility that when push comes to shove it was their will, not society's that drove them to pull the trigger or hit that woman or skip that class. It is mighty convenient to blame society but when you look at all the other minorities who come to Canada and have had a much worse time in life or just as bad as blacks (and yet they succeed in Canada)then all I see is proof that Canada is not failing these groups of black people. It is they who are failing us.
I'm sure those parents would love to switch the blame on Canada. It would likely keep the spot light off their own likely deficient parenting skills. And while we're at the blame game, what do you think happens when you get a couple hundred rappers, TV stars, book writers, comedians and media folk pounding home the point day after day, week after week, year after year for oh, say the past thirty years that THE White Man screwed you and now you are POWERLESS. He made you weak, raped your women and that's why you can't AMOUNT to ANYTHING. I wonder what you could possibly accomplish with that except maybe, possibly, alienating a bunch of otherwise well-off black youth in Canada into thinking that they're hard done by. Where are the positive black role models for them? Why aren't they, themselves championing better alternatives for black culture? It's not white man's responsibility to bring up his kids AND everyone else's.
This issue boils down to a deeper issue that I've seen on occasion with some minorities in Canada. They like to tell me that there is a culture of deep-rooted racism and prejudice that is so subtle that most White Canadians don't see it but that minorities experience it loud and clearly. I look around and I see education programs that are geared to provide MORE (not less) help for minorities than non-minorities (whites). I look around and I see all kinds of federal, provincial and local government programs that are geared to provide MORE (not less) help for minorities than non-minorities (whites). I see laws geared toward specifically protecting minorities but when it comes to protecting whites we fall under the same rules as everyone else. So there are two Canada's, one for the minorities and one for whites.
Canada is one of the MOST permissive societies in the World. We bend over backwards to help those who don't look white. We berate and deride and punish OURSELVES for not attending to Native issues faster. We have raised non-minorities in a culture that supports a mindset of being suspicious of whites, or viewing the whites as greedy, violent and oppressive. Now while I agree that there is SOME racism in Canada and that non-whites won't always be treated nicely I can't see a Canada that treats non-minorities, especially whites any better either. In fact, it often feels like Canadian society at various levels is trying to make up for all the sins the world, not the tiny amount of sins Canada heaped upon non-whites by saying, "hey, it's all right, you are here in Canada, hate me, it'll make you feel better."
These young black males don't need a separate school. They need solid families, safe communities and discipline in their lives. Not permissiveness, lazy parenting and spoiled expectations.
I didn't realize 2+2=4 is an answer that is derived in a racially motivated fashion. I find it disgusting that anyone would want to throw up a white flag on a group of kids just because of the colour of the skin. All you are doing is teaching the kids, "You can't compete with others not because of who you are, but only because the colour of your skin". Despicable.
This is afro-centrism + desperation run amok. These people are looking for a panacea for their social ills and they're blaming a perceived bias in the curriculum. There's absolutely nothing wrong with altering curriculum to reflect a certain class/community makeup, but segregation isn't the answer and it won't address failure (is someone suggesting that the only difference between a dropout was Wilfrid Laurier or Lincoln Alexander?)rates or retention stats.
It's sad that these people can only resort to the very thing their American brothers/sisters fought so hard to eliminate in the 50's and 60's
Simple Mustang, they would rather point the finger at everyone and everything else than themselves. They, the parents and those black civic leaders of their community are as likely to be to blame as anything else.
But since these parents are likely graduates of the 1970's to mid-90's school of, "I am alright, you are allright. We are ALL right and NO-ONE is wrong or bad" political correctness. Than you can damn well bet that they are the LAST place that will recieve the golden finger of blame.
this is insane.. i am so tired of everyone getting a separate school system..
dammit, we are already busy enough destroying our own heritage by bending over backwards for every bloody minority group, and having special this and special that..
when will the people of Canada finally stand up and say no to these
Blaming a curriculum as being too ethno centric is flat out BS. Native students tried playing that card when I was going to the U of M. They claimed they scored lower than whites did because the curriculum was biased in its presentation and expectations. Their arguement was shot all to hell by the Asians, who generally had the highest GPAs, but didn't share our culture and had a primary language other than English.
It just boils down to watching too much BET on the TV. Next thing will be a black bus. Stop the whinning and get with the program. We are all canadians and if you dont like the Canadian systems ..we have international flights you can use.
Get a grip.
Blacks: "We believe that a predominantly black school will be mroe sensitive to black issues."
Other people: "What about multiculturalism and on top of that, doesn't this only lead to segregation?"
Oh boy, surely, there would be an uproar about that one.
More than half of black male teens at Toronto's public schools haven't earned the 16 credits required by the end of Grade 10, according to the school board.
By saying the current curriculum is failing the city's black youth but NOT the other racial groups is like automatically admitting black males in that community are not capable of generating sufficient mental snap and drive to succeed. It makes them sound stupid and lazy, not victims like those parents would probably like us to think that way of them. They come off as just stupid and lazy.
This seems to be a problem down here in the south as well, except the Southern black community here actually has a hundred more reasons than any privileged black kid in Canada for believing that. But it isn't that society is failing blacks. Blacks are failing society and each other. They are NOT accepting responsibility that when push comes to shove it was their will, not society's that drove them to pull the trigger or hit that woman or skip that class. It is mighty convenient to blame society but when you look at all the other minorities who come to Canada and have had a much worse time in life or just as bad as blacks (and yet they succeed in Canada)then all I see is proof that Canada is not failing these groups of black people. It is they who are failing us.
I'm sure those parents would love to switch the blame on Canada. It would likely keep the spot light off their own likely deficient parenting skills. And while we're at the blame game, what do you think happens when you get a couple hundred rappers, TV stars, book writers, comedians and media folk pounding home the point day after day, week after week, year after year for oh, say the past thirty years that THE White Man screwed you and now you are POWERLESS. He made you weak, raped your women and that's why you can't AMOUNT to ANYTHING. I wonder what you could possibly accomplish with that except maybe, possibly, alienating a bunch of otherwise well-off black youth in Canada into thinking that they're hard done by. Where are the positive black role models for them? Why aren't they, themselves championing better alternatives for black culture? It's not white man's responsibility to bring up his kids AND everyone else's.
This issue boils down to a deeper issue that I've seen on occasion with some minorities in Canada. They like to tell me that there is a culture of deep-rooted racism and prejudice that is so subtle that most White Canadians don't see it but that minorities experience it loud and clearly. I look around and I see education programs that are geared to provide MORE (not less) help for minorities than non-minorities (whites). I look around and I see all kinds of federal, provincial and local government programs that are geared to provide MORE (not less) help for minorities than non-minorities (whites). I see laws geared toward specifically protecting minorities but when it comes to protecting whites we fall under the same rules as everyone else. So there are two Canada's, one for the minorities and one for whites.
Canada is one of the MOST permissive societies in the World. We bend over backwards to help those who don't look white. We berate and deride and punish OURSELVES for not attending to Native issues faster. We have raised non-minorities in a culture that supports a mindset of being suspicious of whites, or viewing the whites as greedy, violent and oppressive. Now while I agree that there is SOME racism in Canada and that non-whites won't always be treated nicely I can't see a Canada that treats non-minorities, especially whites any better either. In fact, it often feels like Canadian society at various levels is trying to make up for all the sins the world, not the tiny amount of sins Canada heaped upon non-whites by saying, "hey, it's all right, you are here in Canada, hate me, it'll make you feel better."
These young black males don't need a separate school. They need solid families, safe communities and discipline in their lives. Not permissiveness, lazy parenting and spoiled expectations.
It's sad that these people can only resort to the very thing their American brothers/sisters fought so hard to eliminate in the 50's and 60's
But since these parents are likely graduates of the 1970's to mid-90's school of, "I am alright, you are allright. We are ALL right and NO-ONE is wrong or bad" political correctness. Than you can damn well bet that they are the LAST place that will recieve the golden finger of blame.
dammit, we are already busy enough destroying our own heritage by bending over backwards for every bloody minority group, and having special this and special that..
when will the people of Canada finally stand up and say no to these
foolish ideas ??