I thought that the goal of all humans was to better themselves... The Drugs companies sure put an unrealistik spin to this. Viagra was to be a pulmonary arterial hypertension medecine. -> The erection was a side effect.
Young men... if you have a problem getting an erection while you are young. Well, I dunno what to tell ya. Maybe you should be revising your sexual orientation. Maybe your an homo or bi! There is such a thing as -> no sex drive or Asexual. Maybe you prefer to dress up like a women or a big furry animal??? If you take Viagra for the above reasons� then you are trying to mask your truth. Deal with it, and whatever that turns on your crank.. there is someone out there with similar interest
If you take Viagra to get a better erection , Then -> you are not doing enough foreplay. Foreplay is not only for the ladies. My biggest concern for the young men -> what are the long term side effects???
For the Ladies -> OMG.. I had no idea that there was such an unrealistic pressure. Learn to say no. If he shows up with a big (for some of us ) erection, you can always tell him to go fuck himself . If he tells you that it won�t go away for a while (Viagra induced) -> that�s his problem, not yours.
*arg* reading this shit makes me mad. We are all humans, let�s stop others from telling us what to do -> Especially the big corporation in the name of the mighty dollar (Euro).
Chock full of sex tips, quizzes and warnings, current magazines geared to young women reflect the anxiety of the times and the unrealistic expectations.
Cosmo quizzes have been around a lot longer than Viagra.
My wife (at the time GF) used to read them to me. I must admit that there was a few usefull tips
Young men... if you have a problem getting an erection while you are young. Well, I dunno what to tell ya. Maybe you should be revising your sexual orientation. Maybe your an homo or bi! There is such a thing as -> no sex drive or Asexual. Maybe you prefer to dress up like a women or a big furry animal??? If you take Viagra for the above reasons� then you are trying to mask your truth. Deal with it, and whatever that turns on your crank.. there is someone out there with similar interest
If you take Viagra to get a better erection
My biggest concern for the young men -> what are the long term side effects???
For the Ladies -> OMG.. I had no idea that there was such an unrealistic pressure. Learn to say no. If he shows up with a big (for some of us
*arg* reading this shit makes me mad. We are all humans, let�s stop others from telling us what to do -> Especially the big corporation in the name of the mighty dollar (Euro).
Blame Viagra?
Chock full of sex tips, quizzes and warnings, current magazines geared to young women reflect the anxiety of the times and the unrealistic expectations.
Cosmo quizzes have been around a lot longer than Viagra.
My wife (at the time GF) used to read them to me. I must admit that there was a few usefull tips
Ummmmm...like what?
Ummm... like its a magazine for her... what better place to learn what makes her tick.
There is a lot of explicit info in there. That magazine should be in the adult section.
its good to have goals
Oil change sir?
As long as I don't have to wait 3 months until the next one!
Just say NO!
Just say NO!
Find me a guy who can really say to that.