In one word. "Picachu!" Too much like Pok�mon and not quintessentially Canadian. They would be more suitable for a Japanese Olympic games. Very disapointing.
Ew, what the heck are those things? When I first saw them I thought it was Layton, Duceppe and Dion doing a Kyoto photo op, then I read the caption. What I can't understand is the following comment someone made about the mascots in the article:
These mascots are exposing kids to the fact that Canada is a diverse place, one with different cultures and strengths. They are teaching kids, perhaps indirectly, to be open minded and forgiving of others.
Someone wanna help me here and figure that one out, because I don't see a tolerance lesson, all I see are potential lawsuits from the makers of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh for copyright infringement.
Someone wanna help me here and figure that one out, because I don't see a tolerance lesson, all I see are potential lawsuits from the makers of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh for copyright infringement.