xerxes xerxes:
rickc rickc:
[B-o] It was worth paying $60 just to see that arrogant douchbag Garbrandt get his ass handed to him!
Same here. I can't stand that guy and his stupid Mickey Mouse tattoos.
And GSP looked good despite all his time off. His technique on the finishing choke was spot on.
The second that he applied the choke I knew that it was over. No one gets out of that. To Bisping's credit he did not tap out, he passed out. It will be interesting to see which weight class GSP wants to fight in. He wasn't very clear on that.
All in all it was a good card. Three new champions in one night. That Rose Namajunas is one tough customer. Knock out power in her fists and one of the best ground games in MMA, men or women. She is going to be tough to beat.