I thought I would try something new. The "Groups" feature of the forum is not used much, only for the Moderator group really.
So I have created Political Party groups to go along with the new party forums. The party forums will remain open to all for now, but ...possibly at some point they might be closed to only people belonging to the related Group.
The Groups are "open" groups so you can freely join or leave any of the groups, and even join more than one group.
I need a group moderator for each group. Really doesn't mean much, just means you can kick someone out of the group or add people to the group.
But since the groups at this point have no special permissions doens't have much affect. They are just something fun, I will list what groups a user belongs to on there profile page and on there avatar details in the forums.
The Groups are listed here:
http://www.canadaka.net/modules.php?nam ... le=groupcp
and are:
CKA Liberals
CKA Conservatives
CKA Green
CKA Bloc