I don't think it is much the school that are the problem but the student them self.
When I was young I wanted to learn English so I manage to learn it. English is easy to learn especially in north America. Those who do not have the interest to learn it just don't. And I don't think that having more or less English in the classroom will change that.
There are some who pretend that they have to send there kids to English school for them to be perfectly bilingual. That's bull shit All that is needed, if the Kid is willing to learn, is to be immerse in English for a summer when he is still a preteen and another immersion program after high school.
Some other will pretend that there kids need to speak English without an accent if they want to succeed in the work place. That is a Lie, The Brit, the American, even the Indian don't care for your accent. The only place in the world where speaking English with a French accent is a problem is in CANADA!
The motivation of the kids depends in part on the political climate in which they grow up.