kenmore kenmore:
thats why I love Quebec.. the only province with balls to stand up and say it like it is..
the trouble with immigrants is that they forget they are immigrants...
being tolerant isnt a one way street.. we can be tolerant but we wont accept annihilation.
we will stand up for our language, culture, history and religious beliefs..
they can write as many reports as they want.. the issue wont go away with an instruction book..
Vive le Quebec,, vive le Canada... nous ne changerons pas!
A lack of courage and degrading electoral calculus by the three heads of the main provincial political parties was obvious today:
- Charest by saying the cross in the center of the legislature was to stay there because it has a patrimonial value and by saying that immigration in Quebec was a privilege.
- Dumont by saying that the Quebec collective identity needs much more stimulus (read: assistance) than what the Report suggests.
- And Marois for positioning her independence project in the picture.