lily lily:
I'd like to see a coin or a bill with Bill Reid's Spirit of Haida Gwaii... that would be beautiful.
As for plants... a cedar or a Douglas fir...(how west coast of me)
It might look really pretty to have a bill with all the Provincial flowers, maybe growing all together in a field, or done up in a wreath. Either way, it would be gorgeous in full colour.
Buildings... we don't really have that many that are landmarks. Maybe the CN tower in Toronto, or the Calgary Tower (I think it's somewhere in Alberta). More than buildings, though, Canada is known for scenery, so perhaps it would be better to have Niagara Falls, or something from the Rockies, or a wheat field. Oh, what about the Northern lights, á la Ted Harrison? That would be stunning... and unique.
What else, what else. (this is fun!)
People-wise, I'd suggest Anne of Green Gables. I realize she's a character, but she's as real as anyone to me and millions of other people around the world, particularly in Japan.
What a coincidence, I just finished watching a Japanese Anime episode (ROD the TV vol.3) that made mention of Anne of Green Gables. Not sure if I'm too old to read it, but how else am I going to satisfy the growing curiosity? Ah well, better add it to the queue.... -v-
*jots it down in LOOOOOOOOOOONG queue list of books to read*
That reminds me, the only Swedish Kronor bill that I have (a 20 kr) features a very charming scene of a little boy riding a giant goose from what I suspect was a story by author Selma Lagerlöf. Investment-wise the thing is a joke as it keeps devaluating every single day -- but I just love the note to bits for its design! ^__^
For that matter, my second most sought-after coin (before the Avro Arrow commemorative) is a commemorative coin featuring a scene from 'The Pig That Wouldn’t Get Over the Stile'.
No real reason other than that I like pigs, but I'm sure the Newfie story merits a search-and-read. ^_^
A combination of buildings and landscapes might be in order if you feel there aren't that many buildings to choose from (although I'm sure someone can fill up the remaining gaps in the currency roster with some Vancouver buildings! ^_^) I believe the Indian Rupee and the Chinese Renminbi Yuan mix their reverse design effectively in this way (although in the case of the Chinese currency, at least two of the building designs may strike of controversy to us Westerners...) My choice for landscapes may sound odd, but I personally wouldn't mind a scene of tundra in Nunavut or something. If well implemented, it would look just as outstanding as the $1 and $2 Antarctica Dollars. ^_^
Your plant and flower suggestions sound great too -- at this right, we might try considering coaxing the RBC or whoever prints up your money to issue commemorative banknote series like the RCM does regularly with its coins (something akin perhaps to the millenium quarters). But why stop with just intensely colorful banknotes?
Even if the Poppy/Remembrance Day quarter may (according to what I've heard) have trouble keeping its color, I believe the technology has great potential. So why not just try issuing all circulation coins in color (assuming it's economically feasible, naturally... ^_^'). Sure, colored coins are considered somewhat "cheap" looking among some circles in the numismatic world, but seriously....
If well implemented, astonishing results can happen: