Jonny_C Jonny_C:
Brenda Brenda:
You still have not figured out I am Dutch?
Just wanted to confirm.
Different generations, Jonny. Different circumstances. Different economic perspective.
Perhaps. And perhaps there might be a difference between the Poles who stay in Europe and the ones who make the big leap across the pond.
You seem to suggest a stereotype. I sometimes think that way myself, but I try to avoid it.
That's because you are awesome, and I am not because I have seen lot of people around me lose their jobs because Polish truckers could do with half the pay and sent most of that money to Poland. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. I have seen too many things happen with (in particular) Polish workers in The Netherlands to be able to welcome them.
I doubt ANY Pole would pay their own way to come here.
You don't want Roma either. Really, you don't.