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CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:59 am ... -1.2786219

Good for him. I live in a rural area near a country subdivision and even I have been complaining about the endless racket and property destruction from dirt bikes for years now and everyone in authority just shrugs their shoulders.

I have news for the motorcycle crowd: when you drive by a sidewalk cafe everyone is looking at you not because they think you are cool but are wondering what kind of an asshole you are. Same goes for the morons in diesel trucks with altered pipes.

I can't believe we succumb to the motorcycle lobby and their moronic argument that noisy bikes save lives by forcing other motorists (pedestrians, restaurant patrons, people in their living rooms watching TV) to be aware there is a motorcycle being rode somewhere in a 5 block radius.

European roads are full of scooters and motorcycles that are as quiet as cars. If you can't ride without disturbing everyone because it is a safety issue for you then you need another hobby.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:31 am

grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:

Good for him. I live in a rural area near a country subdivision and even I have been complaining about the endless racket and property destruction from dirt bikes for years now and everyone in authority just shrugs their shoulders.

Dirt bikes aren't street bikes.

I have news for the motorcycle crowd: when you drive by a sidewalk cafe everyone is looking at you not because they think you are cool but are wondering what kind of an asshole you are. Same goes for the morons in diesel trucks with altered pipes.

What makes you think the riders give a fuck what other people think ?

I can't believe we succumb to the motorcycle lobby and their moronic argument that noisy bikes save lives by forcing other motorists (pedestrians, restaurant patrons, people in their living rooms watching TV) to be aware there is a motorcycle being rode somewhere in a 5 block radius.

Can you please show me where any motorcycle group or politician has used the loud pipes bit for a piece of legislation ?

European roads are full of scooters and motorcycles that are as quiet as cars. If you can't ride without disturbing everyone because it is a safety issue for you then you need another hobby.

I will just giggle a while, and say that you haven't been in Europe for a loooong time. :lol:

Buddy is going to lose, could cost him quite a bit too.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:40 am

grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:

Good for him. I live in a rural area near a country subdivision and even I have been complaining about the endless racket and property destruction from dirt bikes for years now and everyone in authority just shrugs their shoulders.

I have news for the motorcycle crowd: when you drive by a sidewalk cafe everyone is looking at you not because they think you are cool but are wondering what kind of an asshole you are. Same goes for the morons in diesel trucks with altered pipes.

I can't believe we succumb to the motorcycle lobby and their moronic argument that noisy bikes save lives by forcing other motorists (pedestrians, restaurant patrons, people in their living rooms watching TV) to be aware there is a motorcycle being rode somewhere in a 5 block radius.

European roads are full of scooters and motorcycles that are as quiet as cars. If you can't ride without disturbing everyone because it is a safety issue for you then you need another hobby.

Looks like a case of "grumpy old man syndrome".

And he'll lose. Great use of his time...the same time he could be spending in his garden.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:12 am

martin14 martin14:
grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:
I have news for the motorcycle crowd: when you drive by a sidewalk cafe everyone is looking at you not because they think you are cool but are wondering what kind of an asshole you are. Same goes for the morons in diesel trucks with altered pipes.

What makes you think the riders give a fuck what other people think ?

They typically care what other people think when the other person nudges their rude butt off the road and into a hospital.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:29 am

martin14 martin14:

What makes you think the riders give a fuck what other people think ?



CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:36 am

I feel for the guy - as much as I love spring and summer here, I hate the sound of old geezers on loud bikes too.

The guy should move to Edmonton, they at least have a bylaw that can tickets loud bikes. Either that or he should petition the provincial government to add legislation to deal with the issue.

Unfortunately, you can't legislate common sense or make people care about others.

Some people are just selfish pricks who think they can make as much noise as they want when they are on the road.

The solution is to follow them along and honk your horn at them constantly. When they stop at a light and ask you what you're doing, you tell them that you are just announcing your presence, so that they know where you are. Safety first and all that. :twisted:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:22 am

martin14 martin14:
grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:

Good for him. I live in a rural area near a country subdivision and even I have been complaining about the endless racket and property destruction from dirt bikes for years now and everyone in authority just shrugs their shoulders.

Dirt bikes aren't street bikes.

Nope they're not, but every city I've lived in has banned riding them anywhere within the city because they are much noisier than your standard motorcycle.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:27 am

I've never heard of this. Can't find any info, but afaik, as long as the bike is street legal it's allowed on the road. And a big bike with loud mufflers or open pipes is way louder than the dirt bike. Best way to deal with all this is to mandate a certainly penis length for motorcycle riders - "You must be this long to go on this ride." Of course then we'd have to apply it to trucks used as passenger cars as well.

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:31 pm

martin14 martin14:
Dirt bikes aren't street bikes.

I see dirt bikes on city streets and I see motorcycles on rural roads, in fact had to follow some jackass on a Harley doing only 65 KM on a gravel road for almost three miles just the other day. (speed limit 80 I normally do 120)

martin14 martin14:
What makes you think the riders give a fuck what other people think ?

Good or bad attention they don't give a fuck which they get and that is the crux of the problem.

martin14 martin14:
Can you please show me where any motorcycle group or politician has used the loud pipes bit for a piece of legislation ?

When Edmonton debated it's lowering of the tolerable decibel levels the mantra of those opposed was "loud pipes save lives" and it was repeated constantly.

martin14 martin14:
I will just giggle a while, and say that you haven't been in Europe for a loooong time. :lol:

Not since 2000 but I just can't imagine Europeans tolerating an endless stream of middle age Harley owners circling the block for hours like they do on Whyte Ave

martin14 martin14:
Buddy is going to lose, could cost him quite a bit too.

Perhaps you're right but on the other hand look at it this way; about 10 years ago some clown came trespassing up my road on a dirt bike and in spite of me trying to stop him just sped on by. I know my land and there is no way out for a dirt bike so I went to the truck and grabbed a rope and strung it across the choke point on the road. When he came back he was forced to stop and jr. and I then had a little talk.

In hindsight it was not a good idea because had he not seen the rope he could be paralyzed or worse to this day. But the authorities have broken the covenant of "we'll enforce the law if you don't take it into your own hands" that they've had with rural prairie folks for the past 150 years and all kinds of nonsense is going on. Another good example is the idiot last night shooting from 2315 to 0030.

Suing the authorities for not enforcing the laws is far more level headed than taking matters into your own hands.

I've got a new image for you: Image

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:56 pm

grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:
I've got a new image for you: Image

I've got one for you and the other crusty old farts:


CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:18 pm

OnTheIce OnTheIce:
I've got one for you and the other crusty old farts:

Forum Super Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:30 pm

bootlegga bootlegga:
The guy should move to Edmonton, they at least have a bylaw that can tickets loud bikes. Either that or he should petition the provincial government to add legislation to deal with the issue.

Would be nice if they enforced that law.

Given the number of loud bike you are forced to listen to all summer long in Edmonton I doubt the police are giving any tickets.

Loud bikes should be impounded for being malfunctioning if found to be louder than allowed by law.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:43 pm

you forgot the second line of the Harley thing:
without wasting any on horsepower...

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:31 pm

grainfedprairieboy grainfedprairieboy:

I've got a new image for you: Image

:lol: :lol:

1. Didn't want to scratch his paint I guess. :) So this is why you are pissed off obviously.
2. Meh
3. Good to see it is working then. I can't count the number of times I can tell people have heard me before they saw me, what with all the drinking and sleeping and texting going on.
4. They came out with 49cc scooters, that 14-15 yr old kids can ride.
Of course, they first thing they do is change up the exhaust so the scooter will go more than 50km/hr. You can't imagine the noise, and there are millions of them.
Much more irritating than a straight piped Harley going by.
My local HOG has over 100 members, maybe 5 still have stock pipes.
Police in Europe now generally don't care about noise, they have far bigger problems,
like escorting fire and ambulances into Muslim no go areas.
5. Did jr ever come back ? Job done then, but that sounds more like a property issue than a noise issue. And again, dirt bikes.

But the authorities have broken the covenant of "we'll enforce the law if you don't take it into your own hands" that they've had with rural prairie folks for the past 150 years and all kinds of nonsense is going on.

Sorry to hear that. It's not surprising, given everything else going on these days.

I can remember being 12, finishing my paper route in buttfucknowhere NB, thumbing a lift and being picked up by the police, and delivered to my front door, no issues.

That was a loooooong time ago, and many things have changed.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:59 am

andyt andyt:
I've never heard of this. Can't find any info, but afaik, as long as the bike is street legal it's allowed on the road. And a big bike with loud mufflers or open pipes is way louder than the dirt bike.

The difference is, the dirt bike exhaust system isn't altered by the average owner, they actually come out of the factory that noisy.

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