It took me a whole day to dwell on this decision, since a major redesign of an already quite popular coin really can't be taken very lightly.
One thing to definitely clear up is this whole issue of having Terry Fox replace the Queen's effigy. No offense to queen loyalists, but I would definitely support such a move just for the sake of variety and to transition away from mandated loyalty to an aristocratic class.
But in the actual coin, she's still in there:
I might decide to confirm this with the RCM staff one day, but I'm pretty sure that the queen's effigy is mandated on all coin reverses. I have yet to see a Canadian coin that doesn't have Elizabeth II, George V, Edward VI or Victoria on any coin reverse since Confederation.
So in order to realistically make this coin permanent, only the
loon can be replaced. And while I don't feel it in me to vote against a true hero, I don't have it in me either to spell an end to the Loonie. It deserves at least 12 more years of circulation in its present form (not including commemorative issues, of course).
If I have to cast a vote (as a frequent purchaser of Canadian currency), then guess I have no choice.... -_______-
But how about proposing a compromise before that...? ^_^
How about making Terry permanent on a new and improved
50 cent coin instead?