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CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:56 pm ... ation.html

There is one part of Europe's economic suffering at least that suits Ottawa and the provinces just fine.

The high unemployment among the continent's skilled trade workers has opened a motherlode of tens of thousands of prized immigrants of exactly the type Ottawa now wants to encourage — young, well-educated and fluent in either English or French.

In short, the type who will "fit in" fast without needing much help from costly immigration services, though it is never spelled out quite that bluntly.

This is the type of new arrival that employers won't have to train that much, if at all, and who should help counter the drag effect of our aging population.

Holy cow!!They're adopting a common sense approach to immigration. However, that being said, they shouldn't turn their back on Asia as we still need trained professionals from there. other places...not so much.

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 Toronto Maple Leafs
Posts: 375
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:29 pm

This is ironic.

More than 40,000 Irish workers poured into Canada in 2010-11 after economic calamity took down the so-called Celtic Tiger. In Toronto alone, a special Irish-Canadian immigration centre is being launched to help the more than 10,000 who arrived on working visas. If the past is any judge, this kind of out-migration from Ireland may be just a modest beginning.

There was a big influx of Irish into Canada in the late 1840's as a result of the Potato famine. I believe that the populaton of Toronto rose from 20,000 to 47,000 in one year (1847) on the strength of this.

I think these shifts are good. Aviods stagnation and mini-colonies getting established all over the place.

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