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Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:17 pm

Every NATO country should send weapons. It’s the least we can do.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:52 pm

Sunnyways Sunnyways:
Every NATO country should send weapons. It’s the least we can do.

Weapons, ships, fighter squadrons, as much as we can of everything.

Stop the Russkies in a big way, and all at once. Bloody them so bad that they hide the fuck under a rock and never come back out.


Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:47 pm

Sunnyways Sunnyways:
Every NATO country should send weapons. It’s the least we can do.

Yeah because arming third world shitholes has worked out so well for us over the last 40 years. :roll:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:56 am

I haven't watched Joe in a while, frankly the inside the beltway takes were becoming far too much to stomach. Political class being stenographers for the billionaire class and whatnot.

That said, they are worried. We are closer to the brink than we have ever been I think.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:30 pm

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 8:53 am

rickc rickc:
Yeah because arming third world shitholes has worked out so well for us over the last 40 years. :roll:

Ukraine's economy is about 10% the size of most European countries. Hardly a shithole. :roll:

The Corruption Perceptions Index for the public sector counts 67 and is compared to other countries moderate.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:01 pm

A Russian-American historian says a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine would have "tragic" consequences for the Ukrainians, and would lead to the end of Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime.

"The Russian Federation will collapse, believe it or not," Yuri Felshtinsky told CTV News Channel. "In a similar way the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan."

Felshtinsky says Putin was unprepared for the Ukrainian resistance and international blowback after annexing the Crimean Peninsula. ... -1.5750358

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:35 pm

Sounds about right. Just add that if Putin thinks he is going down he is taking as many people with him as he can with a death cult he leads that is a nation of Stalinist revisionists armed with nukes.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2955
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 8:38 pm

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
rickc rickc:
Yeah because arming third world shitholes has worked out so well for us over the last 40 years. :roll:

Ukraine's economy is about 10% the size of most European countries. Hardly a shithole. :roll:

The Corruption Perceptions Index for the public sector counts 67 and is compared to other countries moderate.


Yeah my stores are just full of products from the Ukraine, all kinds of cutting edge tech that I just have to have :roll: . All my friends and relatives are just dying to go there on vacation, NOT!!!

Seriously dude you have to be this shitholes biggest fan. I remember how a few weeks ago you were trying to rewrite history to make them this major contributor to our history and culture. The FACTS of the matter is that they are near the very bottom when it comes to contributing ANYTHING at all to my culture. Anyone who has spent more than five minutes in the U.S. can attest to that. The FACTS of the matter is that their country is a nazi infested shithole that has been getting invaded and controlled by outsiders pretty much their entire existence. They have an extremely shitty track record when it comes to fighting for and defending their turf. Unlike the Ukrainians the Mujahideen in Afghanistan WERE willing to actually get off of their asses and fight the Russians. You see how well arming them worked out. We got Al Qaeda and the Taliban out of that deal. The Taliban just got a fresh infusion of awesome weapons due to the pathetic removal of forces from sleepy Joe. Speaking of Afghanistan, was that not a NATO operation? I keep seeing all this tough talk about NATO on this forum, yet NATO couldn't even beat a bunch of goat fuckers living in the 19th century. Goat fuckers with no air force, navy, or armor. Ivan has all of that in spades.

So no I don't feel like giving advanced weapons to a nazi infested shithole that has a far FAR better chance of becoming a Russian puppet again than it ever does keeping its sovereignty. But hey if you guys are in such a pro armaments spending mood lately, I suggest that you start meeting your preexisting NATO obligations when it comes to spending before you add any other obligations to your plate. You were talking a good game about meeting your obligations when Trump was holding your feet to the fire, and you were in the spotlight. Trump was not even out of office before you started reneging on that obligation. Once Trump was too busy running a campaign to focus on you, you took the chance to reduce your military spending by 2.34%. Never heard another word from black face boy about meeting his obligations or keeping his word ever again.

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 10:50 am

First of all. In a free election in Ukraine, not a single far-right party made it into the parliament; the country has a Jewish president and for some time was the only country outside of Israel that had a Jewish president AND prime minister. To be clear, just like any country. There's more Nazi's in the US government than in Ukraine's

Also, no one has ever been able to conquer Afghanistan. It's called the graveyard of empire for a reason.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 11:50 am

rickc rickc:
Yeah my stores are just full of products from the Ukraine, all kinds of cutting edge tech that I just have to have :roll: . All my friends and relatives are just dying to go there on vacation, NOT!!!

And what does your shop sell that Ukraine produces? Grain? Produce? Guns? Booze? :roll:

I've been there on vacation. It's as beautiful as any other place on this planet.

rickc rickc:
Seriously dude you have to be this shitholes biggest fan.

Half family immigrated from there about a century ago. I still have distant family there. Do you not care about the place your family comes from? How would you react if I called that place a nazi infested shithole?

rickc rickc:
I remember how a few weeks ago you were trying to rewrite history to make them this major contributor to our history and culture.

You remember incorrectly. I showed you what part of your history actually is, not what you choose to ignore. The fact is, that while there are protests and Presidential orders about immigrants coming and taking yer jerbs, Ukrainians make up a vast majority of those immigrants. Recently too, not just historically.

rickc rickc:
The FACTS of the matter is that they are near the very bottom when it comes to contributing ANYTHING at all to my culture.

That is a shame, because Ukraine has as rich a history in the Orthodox culture as Italy, France, and Germany have in the Western culture. Lots of it around here too. You can't drive through rural Alberta without seeing a giant Pysanka, giant Pyrogy, or giant Kubie.

We embrace our immigrant heritage.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:52 pm

US orders embassy to leave

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:55 pm


My family as recently as my paternal grandfather are from Ukraine. My paternal grandmother was born in Canada not long after her parents immigrated here. Where they lived and farmed in the Okanagan valley (They originally settled and farmed in northern Alberta) has always had a strong Ukrainian connection and community.

Hell, even here in the Lower Mainland my city has a Ukrainian Church, community centre and retirement village.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:36 pm

German navy chief resigns over Putin comments

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