kenmore kenmore:
Obesity is a disability.
Obesity is a character flaw. Paralysis is a disability. Cerebral palsy is a disability. If anyone with an actual disability had the choice to be otherwise they would. Someone who weighs a sizable fraction of a metric ton can resolve that by an act of character. The choice is theirs.
kenmore kenmore:
I am glad this guy sued. I have a niece who was let go from a fast food place. Because she was, as they said too big for other staff to manouver around her at the counter.
So your niece potentially created a fire and safety issue for her coworkers and, perhaps, her customers, as well. Did the restaurant have an obligation to modify their building at great expense to accomadate your niece or, perhaps, do you think your niece owed it to the people she worked with to make her butt small enough to get around?
kenmore kenmore:
She was 16 and this had a lasting effect on her. She has had and eating disorder ever since and she is in her late 40s.
Her problems are not the employer's problems nor should her coworkers suffer because of her issues. Maybe if your niece would figure out that passing up on that eighth helping of poutine is a good idea she'd do better in life.
I recall in college a girl was attracted to me who was rather large and I told her she was not my type. When pressed I told her I found fat to be unattractive. I hurt her feelings because I would not date her.
Is that my problem? Should a Human Rights Commission have forced me to date her to make her feel better about herself? Or should she take steps to make herself more attractive? Hmmm?
Same goes for an employer.
Heck, the Navy doesn't have fat guys on subs because they can't navigate the hatches. Whose fault is that?