Freakinoldguy Freakinoldguy:
llama66 llama66:
I'm concerned that Pyongyang is really posturing themselves into a corner, and I'm concerned that they are going to have to do something to save face. This is where Beijing and Moscow can try to talk Pyongyang down, that or have China invade NK, I'd rather have the more stable (and sane) Chinese running things in NK then the illustrous Kim family.
Scary times for sure.
That's a nice concept.
A mentally stable communist government verses a 1930's Stalinist Dictatorship that still uses his tried and true methods for dealing with his own people or foreigners.
Personally I'd prefer if the South Koreans unified the entire pennisula but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon especially since the Chinese are still backing Denis Rodman's one gene to many love monkey.
Oh well one can only hope. But if that mental case does actually fire missles at the US then all bets are off and he's probably going to find out what shock and awe are really about especially since his masters across the Yalu won't come to his defense because it'd be bad for business.
I think in this case the NK would be able to demonstrate "shock and awe" considering Seoul lies well within rocket and artillery range. They could flatten the city and inflict incredible casualties on the south before anyone could mount a counteroffensive.
I'd love it if NK implodes without a shot being fired and the Korea was reunified under the South. HOwever I fear that will not happen in the near future.