BeaverFever BeaverFever:
You’re not understanding my point.
Im not defending the current system I’m saying the officers behaved appropriately given their system.
Maybe I would understand you better if you didn't make a point at the beginning of a sentence then contradict it at the end of the sentence, like you just did.
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
Those officers were required to attempt an arrest for DUI. Maybe that law should change maybe not. There are pros and cons to that. But nonetheless that’s the law now. Therefore it’s not unreasonable that they attempted to make an arrest.
I made no comment on the arrest, only that not everywhere requires an arrest. They don't require arrest because impaired driving is not a violent offense. I actually wrote earlier that the guy should not have resisted arrest, and it seemed strange given he appeared co-operative up till that point.
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
On the second point again I’m not saying armed officers are the ones who should be responding to these calls but in Canada and the US the fact is that’s who does currently respond.
I agree. And in Britain, most don't carry guns. And they don't seem to have a great deal of problems unless there is a right wing protest.

BeaverFever BeaverFever:
I don’t think it takes any twists of logic to understand that a police officer should legitimately fear for their life or safety if someone is trying to render them unconscious or taser them. Doubly so if they have a gun that can be used against them. So yeah having a gun makes a person more at risk of having said gun used against them, whether you’re a op or a private citizen. Welcome to gun control 101
I also don't think it's unreasonable that if Police testify in court that a Taser is not lethal, and they are prevented from using lethal force in non-lethal situations, then shooting a guy in the back for a non-lethal act is murder. It's no the first time cops have been filmed shooting a person in the back unjustifiably.
The guy was perfectly polite and co-operative until the cuffs came out. I see no reason that if he wants to resist, you back off. He will be arrested, and there will be more cops involved and the will be much more serious charges than DUI.
But no one will get hurt. And this is a policy that requires no legislation.
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
Again I’ll reiterate that I’m not saying the people who respond to these calls SHOULD be armed officers Im just saying that’s how it is currently. If you Caleb were a police officer today you would be carrying a sidearm. Don’t tell me that if a suspect was about to taser you with your own taser that he just took from you, you would just let him do it and hope for the best rather than fire your weapon. That’s not believable
My experience as a serving police officer is limited, so I will not speculate. But what I do know about police training is that they believe they are in danger, and will react like that.
BeaverFever BeaverFever:
So doe the fourth or fifth time I’ll say that I’m not saying policing doesn't need massive radical reform Im saying these officers seem to have behaved reasonably given the CURRENT situation and what’s CURRENTLY required of them.
Which is why they were instantly fired and the chief quit too?