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Posts: 9445
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:29 pm
$1: Joe Bishop the muslim folk around here seem to be very racist here at the northlands shelter. thinking that people dont speak or know araibic while they call you names... wow... they are brutal in what they are saying to people, and most have no clue. This is troubling if it's happening.
Last edited by BRAH on Mon May 09, 2016 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:39 pm
BRAH BRAH: Thanos Thanos: Keep calm & carry on was in full effect too, part of our bred-in-the-bone British character the plonkers haven't managed to get rid of despite the last fifty years of them trying very hard to do so. The way Ft Mac evacuees acted was a reminder of how the Japanese acted in aftermath of the 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami. A dude from Florida I talk to (the guy who says he has to pack heat all the time (home/work/car) because his town is now so fuxated by feral monkeyshines) on another forum says he's stunned at how orderly the evacuation from Ft Mac was. He said that if they tried that in almost any American city they'd get another Hurricane Katrina situation at least because every level of government authority is now so hopelessly fucked up. At worst he said that a certain portion of the population are so fucking worthless now they'd use the opportunity to loot everything they could and on top of it use the fires as a way to BBQ and eat each other. You guys know I love the Americans, the decent ones anyway, so there's absolutely no offense to any of them in saying this. Just relaying what another American thinks of how bad things are getting in certain portions of their country. Chins up, McMurray-ites. Despite the danger and the tragic loss of homes it was a true stand-to moment on your part. You made it a proud day to be an Albertan. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif)
Posts: 9445
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:46 pm
Thanos Thanos: BRAH BRAH: Thanos Thanos: Keep calm & carry on was in full effect too, part of our bred-in-the-bone British character the plonkers haven't managed to get rid of despite the last fifty years of them trying very hard to do so. The way Ft Mac evacuees acted was a reminder of how the Japanese acted in aftermath of the 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami. A dude from Florida I talk to (the guy who says he has to pack heat all the time (home/work/car) because his town is now so fuxated by feral monkeyshines) on another forum says he's stunned at how orderly the evacuation from Ft Mac was. He said that if they tried that in almost any American city they'd get another Hurricane Katrina situation at least because every level of government authority is now so hopelessly fucked up. At worst he said that a certain portion of the population are so fucking worthless now they'd use the opportunity to loot everything they could and on top of it use the fires as a way to BBQ and eat each other. You guys know I love the Americans, the decent ones anyway, so there's absolutely no offense to any of them in saying this. Just relaying what another American thinks of how bad things are getting in certain portions of their country. Chins up, McMurray-ites. Despite the danger and the tragic loss of homes it was a true stand-to moment on your part. You made it a proud day to be an Albertan. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif) The reason Ft Mac did so well in the evacuation was posted earlier. Right now they're doing a live media tour through Ft Mac. It's amazing what they were able to save while it's tragic what they were not able to save and hopefully evacuees are watching it.
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Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:48 pm
Thanos Thanos: A dude from Florida I talk to (the guy who says he has to pack heat all the time (home/work/car) because his town is now so fuxated by feral monkeyshines) on another forum says he's stunned at how orderly the evacuation from Ft Mac was. He said that if they tried that in almost any American city they'd get another Hurricane Katrina situation at least because every level of government authority is now so hopelessly fucked up. At worst he said that a certain portion of the population are so fucking worthless now they'd use the opportunity to loot everything they could and on top of it use the fires as a way to BBQ and eat each other. You guys know I love the Americans, the decent ones anyway, so there's absolutely no offense to any of them in saying this. Just relaying what another American thinks of how bad things are getting in certain portions of their country. Chins up, McMurray-ites. Despite the danger and the tragic loss of homes it was a true stand-to moment on your part. You made it a proud day to be an Albertan. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif) Fort McMurray's demographics are inevitably a major factor in why they didn't have a Katrina-esque disaster. If you don't have a population of dependent gibmedats and dindunuffins then you also don't have to deal with the predictable social impacts that such populations have on society.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:56 pm
BartSimpson BartSimpson: Thanos Thanos: A dude from Florida I talk to (the guy who says he has to pack heat all the time (home/work/car) because his town is now so fuxated by feral monkeyshines) on another forum says he's stunned at how orderly the evacuation from Ft Mac was. He said that if they tried that in almost any American city they'd get another Hurricane Katrina situation at least because every level of government authority is now so hopelessly fucked up. At worst he said that a certain portion of the population are so fucking worthless now they'd use the opportunity to loot everything they could and on top of it use the fires as a way to BBQ and eat each other. You guys know I love the Americans, the decent ones anyway, so there's absolutely no offense to any of them in saying this. Just relaying what another American thinks of how bad things are getting in certain portions of their country. Chins up, McMurray-ites. Despite the danger and the tragic loss of homes it was a true stand-to moment on your part. You made it a proud day to be an Albertan. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif) Fort McMurray's demographics are inevitably a major factor in why they didn't have a Katrina-esque disaster. If you don't have a population of dependent gibmedats and dindunuffins then you also don't have to deal with the predictable social impacts that such populations have on society. Is it just me or in the last several months has the media/government maskirovka campaign about crime, and who's doing the vast majority of it, completely fallen apart? I'm not looking for any of it specifically on my own internet activities but it seems like their entire deception effort is no longer working, that the curtain's been pulled back and the Houdini routine isn't fooling anyone anymore? Don't know what specifically is to account for this (not Trump) but it's like there's been a massive spontaneous awakening, so to speak, and the mass-delusion bullshit isn't going to succeed anymore.
Posts: 9445
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:05 pm
BartSimpson BartSimpson: Thanos Thanos: A dude from Florida I talk to (the guy who says he has to pack heat all the time (home/work/car) because his town is now so fuxated by feral monkeyshines) on another forum says he's stunned at how orderly the evacuation from Ft Mac was. He said that if they tried that in almost any American city they'd get another Hurricane Katrina situation at least because every level of government authority is now so hopelessly fucked up. At worst he said that a certain portion of the population are so fucking worthless now they'd use the opportunity to loot everything they could and on top of it use the fires as a way to BBQ and eat each other. You guys know I love the Americans, the decent ones anyway, so there's absolutely no offense to any of them in saying this. Just relaying what another American thinks of how bad things are getting in certain portions of their country. Chins up, McMurray-ites. Despite the danger and the tragic loss of homes it was a true stand-to moment on your part. You made it a proud day to be an Albertan. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif) Fort McMurray's demographics are inevitably a major factor in why they didn't have a Katrina-esque disaster. If you don't have a population of dependent gibmedats and dindunuffins then you also don't have to deal with the predictable social impacts that such populations have on society.  New Orleans needed real leadership which they didn't have.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:16 pm
My pal in Florida is kind of beyond the liberal vs conservative nonsense, just like I've become. As far as he's concerned practically every city in the US would fuck up it's disaster response. The only ones that can be trusted to do it right are the military, and they have to wait to be ordered into action by the likes of Dumbya and his clod deputies like Rumsfeld during Katrina only to get interfered with by the Ray Nagin types.
Posts: 8157
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:34 pm
Reading this thread makes me realize there is literally a whole dictionary of derogatory terms that I've never heard before. 
Posts: 9445
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:35 pm
Thanos Thanos: My pal in Florida is kind of beyond the liberal vs conservative nonsense, just like I've become. As far as he's concerned practically every city in the US would fuck up it's disaster response. The only ones that can be trusted to do it right are the military, and they have to wait to be ordered into action by the likes of Dumbya and his clod deputies like Rumsfeld during Katrina only to get interfered with by the Ray Nagin types. FEMA had oversight in a disaster scenario, man made or natural. After 9/11 it was basically stripped down with departments going under Homeland Security which created the cluster fuck before and after Katrina. Notley's critics including myself have to admit she's conducted herself like a real leader during this crisis unlike Trudeau.
Posts: 13404
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:14 pm
Robair Robair: Reading this thread makes me realize there is literally a whole dictionary of derogatory terms that I've never heard before.  The internet is endlessly educational.
Posts: 13404
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:19 pm
GreenTiger GreenTiger: As some one who survived hurricane Sandy I have an appeciation of what it is to lose a geat deal.
Here the fires are still raging and threating people lives and their homes.
God bless and protect these people. This is by far and away the worst natural disaster to have hit Canadians within my lifetime. The second biggest would have been hurricaine Juan that flattened portions of Nova Scotia, PEI. two decades ago. Some of the Westerners on here may not even be aware of that one. It's just a reminder that we are all in it together.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:38 pm
Financially maybe. I think 47 people dying in Lac Megantic makes it worse on some levels, especially in such a small community.
Edit: Sorry. natural disaster, my bad. I agree.
Last edited by Delwin on Mon May 09, 2016 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:38 pm
Thanos Thanos: My pal in Florida is kind of beyond the liberal vs conservative nonsense, just like I've become. As far as he's concerned practically every city in the US would fuck up it's disaster response. The only ones that can be trusted to do it right are the military, and they have to wait to be ordered into action by the likes of Dumbya and his clod deputies like Rumsfeld during Katrina only to get interfered with by the Ray Nagin types. Part of what happened with Katrina is that aside from the hardcore weather geeks no one wanted to believe that a major hurricane could really hit a major US city. Denial went into full swing and the people who were ringing the bell to evacuate were getting shouted down and sometimes even fired for arguing with their political masters who didn't want to alarm anyone. The book, "Five Days at Memorial", is a chilling analysis of what transpired at a hospital in NO due to this idiocy. http://www.amazon.com/Five-Days-Memoria ... t+memorial
Posts: 65472
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:39 pm
Robair Robair: Reading this thread makes me realize there is literally a whole dictionary of derogatory terms that I've never heard before.  The terms are only derogatory when they're unearned.
Posts: 13404
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:47 pm
Delwin Delwin: Financially maybe. I think 47 people dying in Lac Megantic makes it worse on some levels, especially in such a small community.
Edit: Sorry. natural disaster, my bad. I agree. I don't consider Lac Megsntic to be a natural disaster on any level. In that category, the Great Halifax Explosion of 1917 dwarfs everthing else. With a little luck, it will remain the worst, forever. It was roughly as catastrophic as 9/11.
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