I need to get to lvl 10 so I can create a CKA Clan.
Forum Junkie
Posts: 642
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:38 pm
oh, I was wondering where mine went to, i didn't know that blast already made a thread. thx for the move Canada.
Just an FYI, it wasn't dear leader who merged the posts, it was me.....Hey Brenda...
Forum Junkie
Posts: 642
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:45 pm
Scape Scape:
Dam Pyra, nasty club
thx, that's what u get for trying to shank me.
Forum Addict
Posts: 945
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:22 pm
my backblast character is OWNING. Undefeated so far. That animal is pwning everyone. Its amazing though my original character is a level higher but only has 1 dagger. Yet my newer guy has two weapons and the animal.
WooT! This Brute fighting is funny. My backblast character finally lost his first battle. It was in the 2nd round of today's tournament. My poor wolf got trapped under a net. http://backblast.mybrute.com/tf/1931325
Don't forget after fighting click on 'go to cell' There you can password protect your brute and then challenge other brutes in the arena to go up in lvls