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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 17037
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:02 pm

desertdude desertdude:
First of all dude I'm going to be very harsh, but please take this as constructive and positive critism and not trying to demotivate, discourage or diss you. But advice from someone whose been there and done that. If your a bit sensitive I suggest you skip my post. So anyways here goes.

First of all mate, I'm heard better and more interesting jam sessions by amature musicans just fooling around. For example ... mming&aq=1

I always like hearing jams like that. By no means do I expect everyone to like our music. As much as it pains me to say, I am forbidden from releasing our better sounding tracks, as they are a reward for taking interest slash buying the album. I have also been forbidden from releasing our jam sessions with and without other people collectively known as "The Forest Sessions".

Second maybe you need to exapnd your band a bit more than just a drum and bass duo. But if you plan to keep it than way than you both the drummer and bassit got to be of exceptional quality and talent to carry the whole show onb their shoulders listen to old stuff from Cliff Burton ( RIP )or people like Joey demaio, whose bass sound is more dominant and gritty than the guitars. A basic component of a song IMHO is bass and drums. But only if you can put it well toghter into a proper piece.

I fully agree with what you're saying, but Minimal Effect is a strictly two-man band. It came to be this way because no one else was dedicated enough to put in an effort to make unusual music. Minimal Effect is more of a musical project than a band, and we've both been surprised by the meagre support we enjoy. We expected this to go a lot worse. We already have over forty album pre-orders.

Third you need to work on your sound quality and levels...

Tell me about it. We're broke. I'm probably the most well off, butI'm at school and have been broke for the past three years of my life . We are in desperate need for equipment and a proper setup, but we have no money. hence, our album was made with a single recording device. I know it's not much, but it's all we have and we have to make due with what we've got.

there are alot good DAW software out there, tweek you sound so people can hear whats going on. Mic placement and room accoustics play a big part, specially when it comes to the drums. You need atleast 3 mics on the kit alone to get a decent sound. Right now it just sounds like you recorded in your room with a 80's tapes recorder placed in one corner !

See above. :lol:

We don't have anything or really good contacts. We make due with what we have, which was our friend who had only a single recording device. Trust me, nothing would please me more than the ability to have decent recording equipment.

Once again sorry mate if it sounds too harsh but you've got to do much better if you plan on going pro or even semi pro or even if you expect to get regular gigs in small pubs and bars.

It's not harsh since it's nothing I don't already know. As for gigs, we've already gotten a few in bars and coffee shops. :lol:

Minimal Effect has never been about going pro or even semi-pro. I'm planning on going into th aircraft maintenance trade, but if we get a chance to do some seriously good recording I'll take it. Minimal Effect has always been about bringing a new unique sound to a music industry devoid of any real talent with artists who are all auto-tuned and songs that sound the same.

Interestingly enough, neither of us expected any real support, but our two-man band/project, with shitty recording equipment, has already had to put down over 40 people for album pre-orders, and gotten other people to listen to and enjoy our music.

On the postive note, like your axe, dunno why it reminds of Tony iommi :D

Cheers mate

Well, that's the bassists. Nothing there is mine, not even the kit. :lol:


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 17037
PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:36 pm

Another video is up! This one is "Up and Down the Stairs".

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 am

So what do people think of Up and Down the Stairs?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:12 pm

Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
So what do people think of Up and Down the Stairs?

I like it. Nice funky jazzy sound.

One suggestion: when you guys are recording, I'd back off the cymbals a little and bring up the toms, because you are getting too much crashing and not enough beat. I ran a recording studio for a while and I learned the hard way that acoustic drums are a real bear to mike properly-especially isolating the snare. We kept a high-end set of electronic drums in house and our clients got really great results with them-once the drummer stopped experimenting with all the cool kit settings on them and got down to business, that is.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:32 pm

I hope you guys develop a fan base. However, I'm afraid it's not my cup of tea.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:07 pm

All the best!

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:24 pm

Not my cup of tea either.

But if it's any consolation, you guys are WAY better than Wil Smith's daughter. 8O
What a crappy song she's doing right now... the worst part is that it will probably sell a ton. :(

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 17037
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:24 pm

Laura Adams Laura Adams:
Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
So what do people think of Up and Down the Stairs?

I like it. Nice funky jazzy sound.

One suggestion: when you guys are recording, I'd back off the cymbals a little and bring up the toms, because you are getting too much crashing and not enough beat. I ran a recording studio for a while and I learned the hard way that acoustic drums are a real bear to mike properly-especially isolating the snare. We kept a high-end set of electronic drums in house and our clients got really great results with them-once the drummer stopped experimenting with all the cool kit settings on them and got down to business, that is.

Thanks, dude. I'll pass that along to the bassist to see what he thinks. Trust me when I say that I'd jump on the opportunity for some truly professional recording if we ever had money. We may have found an inexpensive and good guy in Ottawa, so who knows for our second album... :wink: :P

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:26 pm

Shep and raydan, that's perfectly fine. We know we're not for everyone, but we've already developed a small but seemingly loyal fan base. We are simply on a mission to get our music out there to give people an alternative to "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth".

Oh, and for those who find Minimal Effect is their cup of tea or other morning beverage, we have another video up. :D

Please tell us what you think.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:50 pm

AM, there certainly is the beginnings of something there. I rather like the garage style, but it's a bit hard to call if from the recordings because of the sound quality. Frankly, the bass player needs some more work because to me, the tuning really sounds off (Up and down the stairs just sound sharp to me) and both of your timings are at times not quite in sync. Fact is though, with practise, you guys'll likely find a niche and good following. Keep it up, and keep posting to the thread, because I'm interested to see the progression!

I'm adding your Fanpage to my likes too! [B-o]

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:54 pm

Today's alternative music is tomorrow's pop, and by getting alternatives, people discover new tastes. I'll continue listening once in a while and it may just grow on me.

Listen, I love Bella Fleck and the Flectones and that's very far from mainstream.

So keep it up AR.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 17037
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:15 pm

Thanks for the support guys. Hopefully, if everything aligns perfectly, we'll have another more professional album in a few years along with some free downloadable music.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 17037
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:05 pm

So you know how Minimal Effect and its predecessor Smoking Frog occasionally get played here on CKA Radio? Well, if we're lucky, we might get some more radio exposure in the future...

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:53 pm

So we were wondering, for those here at CKA who follow us and know our music, what song would you like to see make it to youtube next?

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 17037
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:20 pm

Another question that will probably go unanswered, but does anyone here know of anyone in Japan or from Japan that might be interested in our music and be willing to spread it? We're looking for back-door access to other parts of Asia we haven't gotten into yet.

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