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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 12349
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:01 pm

Over the years, the members of the Toronto rock trio Rush have remained steadfastly ambivalent about their inability to crack the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame — they maintained it was something they wanted for their loyal fans, not themselves.

I maintain that the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, by virtue of the many non-rock'n'roll acts enshrined, is a joke, but nonetheless, the greatest of all Canadian bands certainly deserves recognition of their place in the hierarchy music history.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:13 pm

Good news for what's been a very shitty last couple of days. It's not like the boys didn't deserve it too.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:13 pm

“The progressive movement is not something the founders of the Hall of Fame are too keen on,” said Lifeson, noting that well-regarded prog peers Yes and King Crimson have also been thus far excluded from the Hall".

So it's okay to put Disco and Rap musicians into the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" but progressive Rockers not so much. :roll:

Although after revisiting the list of performers that have been inducted it seems to me that in alot of cases it's been a popularity based selection rather than a talent and career achievement based award.

I personally think the problem with the R&R Hall of Fame is that it's become the repository for every genere of music that doesn't have it's own hall and consequently real Rock and Roll performers suffer in silence when rappers, gospel singers and disco queens get elected before them.

The only other genre of music that should have been allowed in the hall is Blues which when you think about is what Rock is basically derived from. Any other genre that claims it influenced Rock performers should have been classified as progressive and put at the back of the bus with the people who had to wait to get in like Rush.

Now that the rants over I'm glad to see someone finally woke up and put one of the most deserving bands in the history of Rock and Roll in the hall, better late than never I guess. [B-o]

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:12 pm

About frickin time. I lived in California during Rush's heyday and everytime I told anyone I was Canadian they'd say "Canada--RUSH!"

Breaking news: Rush gets into Hall of Fame, except for Geddy Lee's voice which goes into the Hall of Meh. :lol: Just kidding Geddy--nobody's taking away from your awesome bass ;laying, Taurus pedaling!

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:16 pm

Never heard of Rush before. Probably wern't to big on the global scene.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:25 pm

desertdude desertdude:
Never heard of Rush before. Probably wern't to big on the global scene.

Responding to that will get me banned.

So I will choose not to.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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Posts: 21665
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:29 pm

desertdude desertdude:
Never heard of Rush before. Probably wern't to big on the global scene.

I think Canada's biggest contribution on the global scene was Leonard Cohen. Hard rock doesn't have much currency outside of North America, England and a couple of parts of Europe.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:39 pm

desertdude desertdude:
Never heard of Rush before. Probably wern't to big on the global scene.

Nope, they just had the good sense to stay out of your part of the world where left-leaning rock bands have never been entirely welcomed.

Lady Gaga hasn't been on tour in your area, either, and trust me that you haven't missed anything. :wink:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 19911
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:40 pm

martin14 martin14:
desertdude desertdude:
Never heard of Rush before. Probably wern't to big on the global scene.

Responding to that will get me banned.

So I will choose not to.

I'd back you for reinstatement afterwards FWIW.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 19911
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:43 pm

It's about damned time.

As for the other non-rock groups and singers being inducted, the best reason/excuse I've heard is that they are inducted not because of their music, but because of the significance of their music in pop culture.

Obviously NWA and Public Enemy aren't rock, but you can't deny that they had a major impact.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
Posts: 12349
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:43 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Nope, they just had the good sense to stay out of your part of the world where left-leaning rock bands have never been entirely welcomed.

Rush? Left leaning? Uhh, no. Their lyricist is a self-described libertarian and Rush is almost certainly the only band to ever dedicate an album to "the genius of Ayn Rand". Rush is a lot of things. Left-leaning ain't one of them.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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Posts: 21665
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:47 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
desertdude desertdude:
Never heard of Rush before. Probably wern't to big on the global scene.

Nope, they just had the good sense to stay out of your part of the world where left-leaning rock bands have never been entirely welcomed.

Lady Gaga hasn't been on tour in your area, either, and trust me that you haven't missed anything. :wink:

Rush? Left-leaning? Have you ever read their lyrics? Trees, for instance? Neil Peart is a libertarian. The problem with being so far right, Bart, is that the term "left-leaning" ceases to have any meaning since it encompasses the entirety of creation apart from you. :lol:

There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the maples
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade

There is trouble in the forest
And the creatures all have fled
As the maples scream 'Oppression!'
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
'The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light'
Now there's no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe and saw.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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Posts: 21665
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:52 pm

Lemmy Lemmy:
BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Nope, they just had the good sense to stay out of your part of the world where left-leaning rock bands have never been entirely welcomed.

Rush? Left leaning? Uhh, no. Their lyricist is a self-described libertarian and Rush is almost certainly the only band to ever dedicate an album to "the genius of Ayn Rand". Rush is a lot of things. Left-leaning ain't one of them.

Oops, you beat me to it. :oops:

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:47 pm

Lemmy Lemmy:
BartSimpson BartSimpson:
Nope, they just had the good sense to stay out of your part of the world where left-leaning rock bands have never been entirely welcomed.

Rush? Left leaning? Uhh, no. Their lyricist is a self-described libertarian and Rush is almost certainly the only band to ever dedicate an album to "the genius of Ayn Rand". Rush is a lot of things. Left-leaning ain't one of them.

"Closer to the Heart"" (a fantastic bit of music, IMHO) reads pretty close to Marx.

Rush Rush:
The Blacksmith and the Artist
Reflect it in their art
Forge their creativity
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it's closer to the Heart

Philosophers and Ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it's closer to the Heart

In Marx's essay where he wrote of no machine yet contrived he sowed the roots of the Arts & Crafts movement of the early 20th Century that rejected industrial production in favor of those things created by artists, blacksmiths, and farmers. (One thing I think Marx got right, btw)

I concur with the writer who first pointed this out to me that Rush was at least in parallel to Marx in many things.

It doesn't mean I don't like them, but it does mean that I'm also not ignoring the fact of the obvious political commentaries in their music.

Likewise, the far less tolerant minds of the ME would hardly welcome such notions and, in some places, would not tolerate music at all.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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Posts: 21665
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:10 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:

"Closer to the Heart"" (a fantastic bit of music, IMHO) reads pretty close to Marx.

Rush Rush:
The Blacksmith and the Artist
Reflect it in their art
Forge their creativity
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it's closer to the Heart

Philosophers and Ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it's closer to the Heart

In Marx's essay where he wrote of no machine yet contrived he sowed the roots of the Arts & Crafts movement of the early 20th Century that rejected industrial production in favor of those things created by artists, blacksmiths, and farmers. (One thing I think Marx got right, btw)

I concur with the writer who first pointed this out to me that Rush was at least in parallel to Marx in many things.

It doesn't mean I don't like them, but it does mean that I'm also not ignoring the fact of the obvious political commentaries in their music.

Likewise, the far less tolerant minds of the ME would hardly welcome such notions and, in some places, would not tolerate music at all.

No, I see aboslutely nothing Marxist in those lyrics. The lyrics seem to be saying that what you choose to do, you should do acording to your own heart. Maybe Marx espoused that, but so did Ayn Rand.

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