Lemmy Lemmy:
For that to happen, it's you (and Fiddly, 2Cdo and Martin) who need to step up and mend your ways. If this is going to remain a place of bigotry and bullying then it's not something I want to preserve, let alone fund.
Again, I get called to a thread where I don't want to be.
I have nothing to do with any of what this thread is actually supposed to be about. What am I doing here?
Responding to some liar, known for this lying, who wants to make something personal.
Very well, here's my story again. I left the site for awhile, I came back and the board was dead. More so than now. It's busy now compared to what it was at that time.
Another thing I noticed was some new idiot appeared to be stalking me.
I didn't notice it at first. He was a sneaky, and gutless little thing.
He was using those marks to attack me. I forget what they're called. Those things some allow below their user name. I didn't really pay attention to them, but one day I did and I see this guy is spending a lot of time following me around making these marks, largely because he can then add a little gutless insult to the mark that I can't respond to. They're not on the open board. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn't help myself I started checking out those marks. He continued and apparently these things can be read by others. Others who found themselves sitting on their digital asses in open debate discovered it was safer joining the clown parade of snark and snot where they didn't have to be worried about a respone. I had to deal.
So I closed the ability to make those marks and waited for the original moron. I know a stalker can't leave you alone. I didn't have to wait long. He invented a new MO, where he would wait until a time where I was involved in discussing an actual issue on the open board, then he would slip quickly in with diversionary, off-topic snark, snot, or outright insult. I didn't stop my debate to address the attacks at first. They weren't that good so why bother.
Finally though, I had to stop discussing the issue and start dealing with the moron. He was relentless, you see. So I would stop my discussion, turn and deal with the little minor menace.
I discovered why he was so afraid of just discussing the subject. He was pretty lame. Once challenged he didn't seem to know much, yet he claimed to be a Professor. And this tool who had been exerting so much energy trying to shut me up was claiming to be a Libertarian. You know? The free speech guys. The guy was full of it, and there was no actual there, there.
So now I get called to another thread where I don't want to be by the same idiot. I guess he thought he was safe here to send out a little more of his snarky snot. He's dumb enough to believe that because he didn't see me, I wasn't there. Like playing peekaboo with a baby.
But I have to respond now. I've learned if I don't, it doesn't stop. Better to just keep driving him deeper into the shadows every time he attacks.
And if this sounds harsh, oh well. The guy gets nothing he doesn't ask for, and if I'm too gentle I've learned that he doesn't. Learn, I mean...