Unsound Unsound:
Just got home... all I can say is... hardly anyone looked how I thought they would.
I didn't turn out to be so small I'd be 110 pounds wet. Or middle-eastern.
Turns out I'm a massive wuss compared to Unsound.

I tried to outsquick him all night, I think I lost?
Thanks for organizing this, and thanks to Lemmy for the beers! It was great to meet everyone who turned out, even if they could only escape for a few minutes! Did not expect to be getting home at 2 in the morning.

Regina Regina:
Hope you all had a good experience. Always nice to put a face to a name.
I more or less expected people to go, "Khar? Who? Ohhh, the one who writes the annoying posts. I usually ignore those."
Dragon-Dancer Dragon-Dancer:
Maybe Khar won't monopolize the conversation as much.