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Forum: Quebec Topic: ADQ's Quebec Immigration |
Durandal |
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:49 pm
Replies: 46 Views: 1105
L'ADQ est maintenant plus centriste que droitiste. Pas sûr que le futur nouveau chef va relancer le parti, aucun des candidants est du calibre de Dumont. |
Forum: Quebec Topic: Programme des valeurs canadiennes |
Durandal |
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:44 pm
Replies: 9 Views: 736
C'est clair que le référendum de 95 a été volé. |
Forum: Discussion Française Topic: Poste Canada Viole la loi 101 |
Durandal |
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:30 pm
Replies: 19 Views: 2598
Alors comme ça vous admettez qu'il y a des violations de libertés fondamentales au Québec? Non ce n'est pas ça qu'il a dit. De toutes les manières la Loi 101 n'est pas appliquée, et elle devrait être réformée. C'est con que l'État québécois soit officieusement billinge et qu'en même temps la politi... |
Forum: Entertainment Topic: Upcoming Movie - Arn: The Knight Templar |
Durandal |
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:17 pm
Replies: 93 Views: 7062
Ok finally after two years of waiting the movie is finally online. Some parts are in English and some are in Sweedish. The Sweedish parts have English subs. The image & sound quality is correct. The second movie of the trilogy is also online. http://www... |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Richard Dawkins Admits Life Was Intelligently Designed |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:25 pm
Replies: 86 Views: 1244
poquas poquas: Is Durandal in some way related to Ziggy?
Nope. |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Richard Dawkins Admits Life Was Intelligently Designed |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:23 pm
Replies: 86 Views: 1244
Hmm 10% and 3.7 out of 10 Of course the evolutionist establishment gives bad ratings, what do you expect ? Yet even the leftist Wikipedia says it was successuful : Expelled opened in 1,052 theaters, more than any other documentary before it, and grossed over $2,900,000 in its first weekend, the thi... |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Richard Dawkins Admits Life Was Intelligently Designed |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:05 pm
Replies: 86 Views: 1244
No to mention he says about 3 times, no one knows how life was started. We Christians know how life was started, you Atheists don't know. Whatever the amount of « maybe » and « perhaps » Dawkins includes in his responses, he makes statements on things he doesn't know and ends up making a fool of hi... |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Richard Dawkins Admits Life Was Intelligently Designed |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:55 pm
Replies: 86 Views: 1244
He was speculating on how someone could prove ID. He didnt say thats how it happened No, he said Intelligent Desing is true, and he presented one of the hypothesis Atheists came up with to avoid admitting that the Intelligent Designer is God . Another hypothesis Dawkins thinks may be valid is the m... |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Richard Dawkins Admits Life Was Intelligently Designed |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:17 pm
Replies: 86 Views: 1244
I find that much more believable than any organized religion's creationist hokum Yeah sure... « evolution is science and creation is religion »... nah that's science-fiction. :wink: Man, Atheists who accuse Christians of being « deluded » and « non-rational » while at the same time use extra-terres... |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Richard Dawkins Admits Life Was Intelligently Designed |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:52 pm
Replies: 86 Views: 1244
The famous Atheist guru Richard Dawkins, author of " The God Delusion ", admits there is plenty of scientific evidence proving that life was intelligently designed, but he refuses to admit the Intelligent Designer is God, instead he says that extra-terrestrials created and planted the firs... |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Top 15 Atheist Fallacies |
Durandal |
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:28 pm
Replies: 14 Views: 559
Très sérieux.  |
Forum: Quebec Topic: Quebec city folllies .... what a shame ! |
Durandal |
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:10 pm
Replies: 9 Views: 596
2) Plains of Abraham Battle reconstitution, a great show in the making ! 2009 : 250 th anniversary of the Plains of Abraham Battle . The French Language Protection Commitee of Quebec city wants to kill the project because the Brits won ! Sounds like many Quebecers don't enjoy celebrating their defe... |
Forum: Quebec Topic: MPQ - Milice Patriotique Québécoise |
Durandal |
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:06 pm
Replies: 56 Views: 2709
C'est particulièrement à cause des accointances islamistes (et marxistes et...) des indépendantistes déconectés comme Falardeau que plusiers Québécois ne sont pas très enthousiastes à joindre votre mouvement. |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Disgraced pastor Haggard admits 2nd relationship with man |
Durandal |
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:44 pm
Replies: 19 Views: 496
kenmore kenmore: ya now they just fuck everyone in the name of Jesus... so Christian.. the guy is gay.. you get over it!
Nonsense. |
Forum: Moral & Religious Issues Topic: Disgraced pastor Haggard admits 2nd relationship with man |
Durandal |
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:41 pm
Replies: 19 Views: 496
No it’s the fact he is a hypocrite, he didn’t practice what he preached. On one occasion. It's enough to disqualify him as a pastor in my opinion, but does not excuse all the fuss and noise anti-Christians are making over this story. Remark : he remains much more moral than a gay who does it day af... |
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