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 Forum: Introductions   Topic: Heyyy from windsor

 Post subject: Re: Heyyy from windsor
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:51 am 

Replies: 10
Views: 302

Is that Windsor in Berkshire with the world's largest inhabited castle?

If so, are you Her Majesty?

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Pope Benedict to resign due to health reasons

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:05 am 

Replies: 106
Views: 1217

I've been to a lot of 4th of July celebrations and I've never seen the Queen burned in effigy. So? Americans celebrate beating the British and the British celebrate beating the Catholics. Same thing. If Catholic terrorists had never tried to blow up the English king and parliament in 1605 then Cath...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Pope Benedict to resign due to health reasons

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:49 am 

Replies: 106
Views: 1217

So, what has the Pope done to the Protestants lately? What have the British done to the Americans lately? Nothing, but it doesn't stop the Yanks celebrating July 4th every year. Remember, Remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot. I see no reason, Why Gunpowder Treason, Should eve...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Pope Benedict to resign due to health reasons

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:34 am 

Replies: 106
Views: 1217

How very tolerant of you folks.

Yeah. I mean, catholics are so much more tolerant than Protestants, aren't they?

And you have to remember WHY the English burn effigies of the Pope on 5th November. There is a very good reason why that happens.

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Pope Benedict to resign due to health reasons

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:32 am 

Replies: 106
Views: 1217

A. You'll find that the Protestants of northern Ireland are predominantly Presbyterian Scots who don't really differentiate too much between Anglicans and Catholics(as in the religious ones think they're all going to hell) and B. Do the Presbyterian Scots recognise the Pope? No, they don't. Like ot...

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Pope Benedict to resign due to health reasons

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:00 pm 

Replies: 106
Views: 1217

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
Yes ......Catholic Lite Anglicanism is sooooo different :lol:

They are so different that Protestants and Catholics fought each other in a civil war in the UK between 1968 and 1998.

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Pope Benedict to resign due to health reasons

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:49 pm 

Replies: 106
Views: 1217

Damn Catholics. Down with Popery! Down with papists! In Protestant England we burn effigies of the Pope every Guy Fawkes Night after he's been paraded through the streets with torchbearers.

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Ireland admits involvement in Catholic laundry slavery

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:39 am 

Replies: 35
Views: 439

We in the North of England were a part of Danegeld for 500 years! Then the bloody French came. At least they were half-Viking Frogs. The area of northern and eastern England ruled by the Danes was known as Danelaw. Danegeld was a tax the English paid to the Danes in order to stop them raiding Engla...

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Falklands will be (ours) within 20 years, says Argentina

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:13 am 

Replies: 201
Views: 2335

Totally. The Brits can kick the Argies arse way easier than in ‘82 with the Death Star (RAF Mount Pleasant), the QRA flight, the resident pongo battalion, the AA defences, RN SSN's etc etc. I read somewhere that RAF Mount Pleasant on the Falklands has the world's longest corridor. I think it's abou...

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Falklands will be (ours) within 20 years, says Argentina

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:55 am 

Replies: 201
Views: 2335

why the fuck do the Brits cling on to these specks of rock? In the Falklands it's the several billion barrels of oil that are most interesting Britain is not after Falklands for the oil. Oil wasn't even discovered off the Falklands untill 1998, 16 years after Britain fought to regain the islands. N...

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Falklands will be (ours) within 20 years, says Argentina

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:48 am 

Replies: 201
Views: 2335

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
Now we hang on to an island here and there for no benefit to the UK taxpayer


The last time I checked, most of the island of Ireland is an independent nation.

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Falklands will be (ours) within 20 years, says Argentina

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:43 am 

Replies: 201
Views: 2335

The "Argies" better get off their asses if they're still harbouring ideas of another military action. Construction of new British carriers continues apace...

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Falklands will be (ours) within 20 years, says Argentina

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:47 am 

Replies: 201
Views: 2335

The islands are only going to become Argentinian within twenty years should the Falkland Islanders decide during that period that that's what they want. And that's unlikely.

 Forum: International Politics   Topic: Ireland admits involvement in Catholic laundry slavery

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:45 am 

Replies: 35
Views: 439

Last year the Irish government also apologised for the disgraceful way it treated Irishmen who joined the British Army to fight the Nazis during the War.

 Forum: Current Events   Topic: Canadians' DNA helps ID King Richard III's bones

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:29 am 

Replies: 8
Views: 213

What a ignominious way to end...being buried in Leicester. That's if the king is actually buried in Leicester. That's because York is saying that it should be the place where he is interred. There are those who say he should be interred at York Minster because Richard was, for all intents and purpo...
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