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CBC ZeD Videos   Canadian Television

Toronto Subway Party 2003 Zed TV CBC

How many times have you ridden a crowded subway car in rush hour in total silence, avoiding eye contact with the strangers you see each day? How many time have you wis

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 1613 | Comments: 0

Zed Appearance

I was the only woman in the company of the likes of Reece Terris , Ray Ceasar, Kris Knight & others for an all artist episode on CBC. All spoke well about their art. I am

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 1690 | Comments: 0

ZED TV - Ro-Bot Sit-Com

A robot sitcom.

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 1635 | Comments: 0

Zed TV - Tumi & The Volume

Zed TV - Tumi & The Volume

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 1449 | Comments: 0

Zuppa Theatre-Radium City documentary ZED tv

A documentary about Zuppa Theatre's play RADIUM CITY that aired on CBC 's ZED TV. Music for this play was written by the Heavy Blinkers' Jason Michael MacIsaac and Dav

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 1720 | Comments: 0
