Wolfie Blackheart is not an ordinary 18-year-old. She believes she is a wolf � technically, a werewolf � and so she wears a tail. She also wears a harness in case someone special wants to drag her around.
Stupid bitch needs to get out of the basement and start fending for herself in life. Providing food and shelter for herself will give her less time to spend thinking of fucked up ideas.
mabye she is making money doing the taxidermy thing, or mabye she is an unlicensed vet
Her room is a cluttered den plastered with posters of anime characters and howling wolves. On a high shelf, she collects heads, including the cleaned skulls of a coyote, ram and wild boar.
When a car ran over Pixie � her �best friend� � Wolfie cut off the chihuahua�s tiny head, cleaned it and placed it in a jar.
Her mother should have her head examined too.....
To her mom, wake the fuck up
When a car ran over Pixie � her �best friend� � Wolfie cut off the chihuahua�s tiny head, cleaned it and placed it in a jar.
�I get requests on cats and stuff,� she said.
Wonder if she'll still see herself like this when she's 50.