If UAVSAR can help identify better for us the problem areas causes by plate techtonics we can plan building codes and perhaps moving people away from dangerous areas.
This is not an American concern this is a world concern, not only are earthquakes involved but so are tsumani. The idea is to save lives.
This would be NASA and the USAF (and probably other airforces as well especially Canadian) at its best [saving lives].
I don't believe that many countries ( outside of Venezualla and North Korea, Libya or France (except 1944) would prefer risking what Haiti went through rather than have the disgrace of something American working with their Institutes of science.
The UN could even get involved with this (let them do something positive for a change.
This is great technology and I'm sure we had a lot on international help developing it.
The idea is to use it help mankind I think it's great.
This is not an American concern this is a world concern, not only are earthquakes involved but so are tsumani. The idea is to save lives.
This would be NASA and the USAF (and probably other airforces as well especially Canadian) at its best [saving lives].
I don't believe that many countries ( outside of Venezualla and North Korea, Libya or France (except 1944) would prefer risking what Haiti went through rather than have the disgrace of something American working with their Institutes of science.
The UN could even get involved with this (let them do something positive for a change.
This is great technology and I'm sure we had a lot on international help developing it.
The idea is to use it help mankind I think it's great.