Drunk driver who killed family of 4 moved to 'healing lodge' after serving 1 monthLaw & Order | 207874 hits | Feb 25 10:39 am | Posted by: Strutz Commentsview comments in forum You need to be a member of CKA and be logged into the site, to comment on news. |
because there isn't any.
Just disgusting.
She'll probably be LESS likely to reoffend upon release if she's getting treatment.
What's the problem? She's still being held in a correctional nstitution. It's not like she's a escape risk who needs to be in Supermax.
She'll probably be LESS likely to reoffend upon release if she's getting treatment.
�She didn�t get up that morning to say, �I�m going to go onto a highway in a drunken stupor, I�m going to run into this car and I�m going to kill people,�� he said. �She never planned that.�
Irregardless, she still did it and should suffer the same consequences. Unfortunately, far too many assholes get shit-faced, get behind the wheel and then kill people, and their punishment is far too light.
Richard Suter killed a little boy and only got 26 months AFTER the Crown appealed the sentence.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/ ... -1.3932285
Drunk drivers who kill need super long sentences IMHO
What's the problem? She's still being held in a correctional nstitution. It's not like she's a escape risk who needs to be in Supermax.
She'll probably be LESS likely to reoffend upon release if she's getting treatment.
The problem is if she wasn't First Nations she would be doing time in a real prison time not Club Med.
�She didn�t get up that morning to say, �I�m going to go onto a highway in a drunken stupor, I�m going to run into this car and I�m going to kill people,�� he said. �She never planned that.�
Irregardless, she still did it and should suffer the same consequences. Unfortunately, far too many assholes get shit-faced, get behind the wheel and then kill people, and their punishment is far too light.
Richard Suter killed a little boy and only got 26 months AFTER the Crown appealed the sentence.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/ ... -1.3932285
Drunk drivers who kill need super long sentences IMHO
The laws won't change until a few politicians lose loved ones to drunk drivers and that's the sad truth.
How Canadian.
You don't have to be first nations to go to a healing centre. These are Corrections Canada institutions available to the general inmate population if they're deemed suitable for that type of treatment. These are still corrections institutions and they're still serving their sentences. They are not getting "zero consequences" Why don't you people do some reading before going off half-cocked?
In fact I'm not even sure the accused in this case is FN.
Brah, Housewife, Martin and FOG:
You don't have to be first nations to go to a healing centre. These are Corrections Canada institutions available to the general inmate population if they're deemed suitable for that type of treatment. These are still corrections institutions and they're still serving their sentences. They are not getting "zero consequences" Why don't you people do some reading before going off half-cocked?
In fact I'm not even sure the accused in this case is FN.
I read the article second last paragraph they're talking about parole in a couple of years. I think that's sick. Once out there will conditions like no drinking no driving but that's hard to enforce. No one checks anything but age for drink and cars are easy enough to get. Unless you're pulled over no one will know.
May not be "zero consequences" but it is not to my mind full consequences. As for the treatment plan being based off FN who cares. I don't care if they are FN or not.
So if your problem is with the rules for parole, not anything to do with the healing lodge...