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- Prime Minister Harper Orders -
Category: Other Jokes/Political Jokes

From: Old_Fart
Author: Unknown
Added: April 18, 2010
Modified: April 18, 2010
Views: 4899
Votes: 417
Rating: 9.73

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Prime Minister Harper Orders:

Prime Minister Harper Orders C.S.I.S.

Prime Minister Harper, tired of his low approval ratings arround 31%, he called up the head of the Canada's spy agency also known as C.S.I.S., and said, "I want your very best agent over here first thing in the morning."

Moments later, a call went out to the Middle East, and the most gifted Canadian agent was headed back to Ottawa, Canada.

The next morning, the agent was escorted to the Prime Minister's Office. Prime Minister Harper said, "I hear you're the best in the business. I can't trust what my staff at the P.M.O. [Prime Ministers Office] tells me. So I want you to visit every province in the country, every major city. I want you to stay out on the road until you have an idea of what the vast majority of Canadians would like to see happen on Parliament Hill. Understand?"

The C.S.I.S. agent responded affirmatively. He left Parliament Hill and wasn't heard from for nearly four months. Finally, he showed up early on a Saturday morning, and Prime Minister Harper saw him immediately.

Prime Minister Harper said, "Did you find out what an overwhelming majority of Canadians want done here from this office?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, then, express the will of the people," Prime Minister Harper ordered.

So the agent stood up, made a fist, and punched him in the nose.

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