Jokes For: Live with the Maple Leafs

A child stands in court before a judge. His parents are divorcing and the judge is asking him which parent he would like to live with. "Would you like to live with your mother?" the judge asks. "No! she beats me every night i dont want to live with her!". So the judge says "Ok, you can go live with your dad then." the child replies "No! he beats me every night as well! i dont want to live with him!" and the judge replies "Well if both your parents beat you then who do you want to live with?".

The boy replies "The Toronto Maple Leafs." The judge is puzzled. "why would you want to live with them?" he asks. The boy replies "Because they dont beat anyone!"

Joke Category: Sports Jokes
Joke Author: []
Joke Submitted by: Canadaka []
Joke Submitted on: March 09, 2005
Joke Last Modified: March 09, 2005

This Joke was printed from Canada Kicks Ass