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Corey Haim Biography

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Corey Haim

Corey Haim

Birthdate:   23 Dec 1971
Website: http://www.coreyhaim.us/
Category: Movies

Corey Haim was introduced to acting when his mother enrolled him in acting classes to help him deal with a tremendous case of shyness. He didn't take to the idea at first because he was simply more interested in things like hockey, playing music on his keyboard and collecting comics. He was, after all, just a kid. But one day his sister, Carol Haim urged him to join her when she was going to audition for a film role. He started to pay attention and went on to appear in several television commercials before getting his first break in a feature film. When he was just 11 years old his parents divorced which may explain some of his later teen years. For example, during the 1990s Alyssa Milano, Nicole Eggert, Holly Fields, Victoria Beckham, and Cindy Guyer to name a few and became engaged to three of them: Eggert, Fields, and Guyer. But nothing seemed to last and there were rumours about problems with drugs. It has been reported that he had been in and out of drug-rehab over fifteen times, before finally kicking his habits. The cruelty of celebrity caught up to him when after he moved back to Toronto in 2004, when The Thrills released a single titled, Whatever Happened to Corey Haim?

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Last updated: 16-09-07      Hits: 11445