Posts: 65472
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:39 am
The difference in effect between the Montreal games and the Calgary games can be found in the differences between Quebec and Alberta. The Albertans viewed the games as an opportunity and an investment and the Quebecers, by their very nature, saw the games as some sort of entitlement...something to be squandered.
That effect repeats itself around the world.
Lake Placid, Squaw Valley, Innsbruck, Melbourne, Sydney, Barcelona, are all doing well as a result of the games spurring development.
Athens, Mexico City, Los Angeles, and Rome received virtually no benefit from the games.
In this light, I expect the diligent and progressive minded BC-ers to manage the games in a positive way and I expect them to make the most of the fantastic facilities already in place at Whistler.
My wife and I are already planning on attending the Vancouver games and the opening ceremony.